" the 827th period " on the west Wu Qiao Tegenbateer bilk one case first instance adjudges 28 herd

" the 827th period " on the west Wu Qiao Tegenbateer bilk one case first instance adjudges 28 herdsman

On August 16, 2018, court of black division people is opposite on the west on the west case of bilk of especially big contract makes the Aotegenbateer of to sue of procuratorate of black division people first instance court decision.

The accused person Aotegenbateer, male, bare peak city overcomes assorted to overcome the Bai Yin that rise a standard to check dry brazilwood census register. Came in August 2016 October, aotegenbateer with " legend of Inner Mongolia nomadism is finite liability company " and " Mu Qin banner mixes Xiwuzhu promote refrigeratory " name, below the circumstance that does not have financing source, with comparing every jins of tower above reachs market price at that time binary price, with brazilwood of black orchid Ha Laga 28 herdsman sign business contract, with the form of tick, add up to of the sheep of temptation and diddle herdsman, kid 6024, sell the sheep of diddle, money of carry out sheep is used at the individual entirely prodigal, cause 28 herdsman immediate pecuniary loss amounts to more than yuan 214. Aotegenbateer shut the accused person in April 2017 mobile phone abscond, on October 25, 2017 on the west Wu Qi public security bureau escapes to be captured to its via be being chased after on the net, procuratorate of black division people was opposite lawfully on the west on November 3, 2017 its approval is arrested and lawfully to sue of court of Xiang Qi's people.

Via forensic cognizance, to the accused person Aotegenbateer is especially big contract crime of fraud gives maintain, sentence its set term of imprisonment 12 years.

" the 827th period " on the west Wu Qiao Tegenbateer bilk one case first instance adjudges 28 herdsman

Origin | On the west black procuratorial work

Examine and verify | Xu Dongwei

Editor | Zong Yan

" the 827th period " on the west Wu Qiao Tegenbateer bilk one case first instance adjudges 28 herdsman
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