Yesterday (28 days) of the end match of Asia Game water ballet is medium 2018, jiang Wenwen / twin sister spends Jiang Tingting to develop extremely high level in free and free movement, obtain 94.1 minutes, add a skill of free movement notch, two people carry off 186.5101 minutes with total cent champion! The 6th this also is sororal flower inferior fortune gold.
Graceful of Jiang of Wen Wen of water ballet Jiang
Is the person that has seen Jiang Wenwen and water ballet of sister of Jiang graceful graceful met certainly is to them the figure of two people convinced: ? Hui ね takes:
Graceful of Jiang of Wen Wen of water ballet Jiang
Graceful of Jiang of Wen Wen of water ballet Jiang
Jiang Wenwen / Jiang Tingting ever attended to with a ha be mixed too much two Asia Games of Guangzhou and Beijing and London two Olympic Gameses; Two people still were experienced retire, knot legitimate child and reappear, experience of this kind of competition ground and life are experienced, make this more self-confident to sororal flower. Go up this in competition ground of Jakarta Asia Game, they continued the outstanding play that world bright and beautiful surpassed last year.
Graceful of Jiang of Wen Wen of water ballet Jiang
Jiang Wenwen and Jiang graceful graceful retired 2013 incident:
It is so what 2013 the world ranks second Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting to set play is quite good, but be fizzled out by Amphitryon player however Xue Chen / Wu Yi article won championship, and oneself are ranked merely the 3rd, small gain of two their direct hair after contest expressed his dissatisfaction, chose to retire for turning point with this parturient.
Graceful of Jiang of Wen Wen of water ballet Jiang
Jiang Wenwen and Jiang graceful graceful also are the mom class player with Chinese only delegacy, they were experienced retire, marry, parturient and postpartum reappear, the peak that stands finally to the Asia Game again. Two veteran also are from Duohaya carry can go, their altogether attended the 3 Asia Games, metempsychosis that experienced 12 years, face more than him age Xiaoxu rival people, they show a perfect form, artistic quality and superhigh difficulty, get gold with be without the be concerned about, achievement that is without controversy to pick, this also is a sister gold of the 6th two Asia Games.