Explode again run road door, learn guideline of leek dimension authority quickly!

Explode again run road door, learn guideline of leek dimension authority quickly!

Yesterday " FCoin: The tears of blood of a leek is accuse " brush circle of friend of screen small letter, how did be an official look civil, feel this leek is very miserable really. Subsequently, zhang Jian sent FCoin author to exit the friend of small letter to encircle, allege " absorption construction " . For a short while, fcion arrived again on where the wind and the waves are highest.

Fcoin doubt is like run road? Does the person go is the building empty? This morning, FCoin already stopped visit of address of chinese mainland IP. Enter net of FCoin exchange official, mobile phone page goes out from move " to coordinate relevant policy, the IP address that FCoin already stopped to come from chinese mainland is visited " clew language. Nevertheless, edition of webpage of net of temporary FCoin official has not appeared change. FCoin is this to want cool cool?

First half of the year, rate of broken hair of love Western Europe is achieved 98.8% , money encircles average investor a sad wail.

Major company group become silent in Xiong Fu, "A lot of groups did not talk " , only alone Wei Quanqun, build group the fastest, vivid jerk is ground control other company group.

"Why to rebuke now is city boundless? Because ' bad money drives out fine money ' , the guilty cost of cheater is too low! " the banner that a lot of nobbler are making area piece chain, preparation runs after accumulate wealth by unfair means wantonly road. Even person is in abroad already, still can pass far Cheng Cao to accuse, transcribe speech, video, participate in the activity outside the condition often, camouflage has not run the false appearance of the road. A lot of " leek " by air money, pass the bilk that spend money, want dimension right, be like the fly that do not have a head however general, successful rate is extremely low.

For this, how does be an official bring manual of authority of dimension of a leek to everybody, the hope can give authority a few helps and inspire.

01, had done please take the preparation that does not come back

A lot of people do not know, enter money ring when you, hand over money go that momently, you had been the cruelly oppress that lies on chopping board.

When the person that a lot of thought for the time being discovers the project just has a problem, the first reaction is for certain -- come to money recapture. But " should come back money " the beginning that the first reaction is all mistakes.

" grandchildren strategics " in already clear told a truth -- attack a town to fall, make a psychological attack is on. Once you are to holding in the arms " should come back money " when the heart, you resembled falling in love with a broken bits male, everything your ases if to was accused to be in his hand by the palm. He can begin to show 100 thousand kinds of action pattern that torment you, perfect the psychological flaw that captures you, undone drop the feminine power like your this candlelight. Won't fall in love with you finally anyway, what still can torment you is black and blue.

Want to be sure to keep in mind so, the thing with dimension the most important authority is, you should place an attitude: Calculate otherwise to come back, I also let you pay price.

This attitude will become you boundless the hardest armor on dimension authority road, accompany your break through brambles and thorns-hack one's way through difficulties, all-conquering, let project square fear.

"Let malfeasant pay due price, receive due penalty. " serve as with this cannot oscillatory belief, media exposure, call the police put on record, this is the law of of one mind that all dimension authority act, let you show itself from inside the person that numerous thought fors the time being.

02, any words of cheater are not believed

As cheater, care about oneself after all to want to say a lie a few times, a few times to say a lie more how?

With the near future runs famously Zhu Pan is old man exemple, cry before the bourse on ZJLT went out " on direct seeding of line broken hair eats excrement, at least open quotation is decuple, increase price collect forehead spends the 50% secret that collect ZJLT... " among them an investor still complemented Zhu Pan castingly phonic acceptance -- " take, time decides was on August 15. Time decides was on August 15..

However, what bang bang makes a face is, be in agreement " pull dish " before a week, the person that the thought that be driven beyond forbearance fors the time being emerged Zhu Pan's office, played a banner, complete this Xue Man child " love apprentice " , money is encircled 90 hind old man pulled down altar.

Flicker of the person that counterpoise dimension gets the Zhu Pan that turns all round, however already decamp.

What cheater prevents your dimension to counterpoise is main cover a road to have two, among them, it is the ground that seeks high-sounding.

No matter go up to still drop greatly greatly, the aether lane that the money of illicit collect can change is less and less... the excuse that you will hear cheater to emerge in endlessly, pattern explains the project was not done good, still have oneself also one buttock is troublesome, pity of try to gain and sympathize with.

The 2nd covers a region, you still will get ceaseless " the picture comes out " flat bread.

Orgnaization of such-and-such and famous investment is noted endowment, such-and-such old man will platform, such-and-such bourse is negotiating, our plan plays a certain date dish... however, that is false information. Besides the lure by promise of gain of above, still have threaten by force. Does thought for the time being? "A certain branch we are relative " , "Clear you are not taken one minute " , "Want money to did not drive sb. to his death one " ...

An elder capital dish the personage tells us, capital dish general metropolis takes out 20%-40% to set for insurance gold, pacify the person with those dimension the fiercest authority. This side cheater is the model of bully the weak and fear the strong, become " hard " the person that thought fors the time being, it is the truest attitude forever.

03, static heart collects evidence to keep data

When the person is sufferring blow, often can be obedient to our the first reaction, if machine is average, make numerous unwise move.

A lot of average investor, from acting bowler illicit collect arrives money, had been cut one knife, this was not over, tragiccer, be locked up for a long time namely storehouse.

Long for the bourse on the move eventually, drop greatly all the way however, cutting sb in two at the waist, again cutting sb in two at the waist... knife thinking brandish cuts the flesh, however all over by ligature, cannot move.

After-thought rises to vow solemnly at the outset, bang bang makes a face nowadays, it is meal of not feel like eating more, sleep to be not worn become aware, very heart of angst, poisonous fire attack.

Be in then all sorts of governments group, wei Quanqun, begin shout abuse, ancestor of complimentary other people 18 generation...

And the person that you should do a clever dimension to counterpoise, adjust good mood, evidence, backup evidence, transmission evidence is gathered below the guidance of professional personage, embrace a group as far as possible. This ability was to make strong return fire truly.

The experience that the person that a successful thought fors the time being shares: Want to seek advice to the legal friend beside, paid perhaps the ground consults professional lawyer, receive the dimension authority opinion of specific aim.

In addition, you still need to spend a large number of time to gather evidence, keep data, the fact of enumerate project square fiction, false conduct propaganda, fund use that pretends to be national office, collect is improper wait for a variety of evidence of a crime.

Time goes random gush, be inferior to sinking next hearts plunge into on-the-spot investigation to obtain evidence. Have an outstanding evidential stuff, it is your most powerful weapon.

True thought fors the time being, need the action, calling the police is very crucial one step.

"Constabulary official business is very busy, the understanding of logarithm word money is not quite thorough, although want to be helped to you, but do not understand really. Still partial police still may have a few repulsion, go with a few languages prevaricate you. " " group all sorts of link of graph talking about cut, recording, website, conduct propaganda material... " collect good data, ask actively to be informed against to public security mechanism.

Take out a first-rate stuff, the police can compare easy put on record, give classics detect material pass on. After taking register receipt, had closed please, after recovering a part to compensate for, a when have you.

An outstanding material evidence, OK still pass on gives each road medium, the project is mixed related exposure nobbler, let malfeasant pay relevant price.

04, wide and those who accuse, the thought that embrace a group fors the time being

"Ursine city pawn, still have what company group active ah, everybody is immersed in silent. " Xiong Fucheng stands get the the fastest, most active company group, it is Wei Quanqun.

"You appear personally poke a head, establish small letter group begin to be troubled by, the first step that you recover compensation is highest for certain. " wide and accuse, build your Wei Quanqun, regular meeting causes the attention of cheater, meet right now somebody interfuse group in, try disintegrate the consensus that your thought fors the time being.

Had taken your stuff, had placed the attitude that your thought fors the time being after all, unite more force. No matter be to make a project square feel pressure, exposure of additional still data, media, each district calls the police put on record, will have bigger impetus.

Be good at using all sorts of transmission channel, post of hair of date of public of small gain, small letter, forum, each media and from media platform... the mark that leaves you on all sorts of channel, ground of the biggest range causes each to just notice.

Believe at the moment you, caused a project successfully to notice just. Begin to contact you, and ground of use both hard and soft tactics explores your bottom line.

Of openly engage in a battle you, can take the chance collect more material.

"Compensated for me not to want, I also should let you pay the price with due malfeasant. " the person that the thought that holds this kind of determination fors the time being, break through cheater psychology line of defence the most easily, become the most easily " be out of pocket finishs sth " await the person that choose.

How to show itself finally, be about to see your determination, endurance, boldness and ability.

Plant when mainstream money do not carry drop greatly, mountain fastness money, air money more do not carry, a lot of projects just run directly road. Run thoroughly the cheater of the road, had abandoned treating. Had not run the cheater of the road, even has hope of furtive recapture losing. Had run road, can recover after put on record only.

So, dimension authority wants before it is too late.

In the meantime, this is the battle of a prolonged, work with one's mind or brains overtaxes his nerves, apply to only be willing heart of research, preserving, have the investor of boldness. Of course such investor, no matter what do, also can show itself eventually.

"You cannot be afraid of. Once you have psychological flaw, take for certain do not come back. Must come out to be the first. " this is us when collecting experience of dimension authority success, hear a maximum sentence.

Leek becomes leek, because,still be by cheater people captured " lazy have an insatiable desire for again " human weakness.

Not deep study leaving a heart, do not be willing to spend time research, still imagining one night at the same time cruel rich, we can sad its are unfortunate, anger its are not contended for.

This money encircles guideline of leek dimension authority, greeting transmit goes out, raise the guilty cost of nobbler, also hope city of money circle ox comes at an early date.

Special declare: ? Good and evil people mixed up of project of CO of Dai of favour of  Cui green, invest all sorts of numbers of risk pole tall; difficult differentiate of monetary true and false, need user discretion to invest. This platform is in charge of sharing information only, do not form special any investment proposals, user all investment behavior have nothing to do with this platform. (article origin network, if have tort,connection is deleted. )

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