The attitude is tough! China rejects to stop to import Iranian oil, presently: Make model to the who

The attitude is tough! China rejects to stop to import Iranian oil, presently: Make model to the whole world

The United States for punish Iran, express to the whole world directly, requirement each country stops to be imported to Iranian petrolic, this demand of the United States is very strong, but each national capital hinders the force at the United States, must yielding at him. Before paragraph time India stands to object the United States directly.

The attitude is tough! China rejects to stop to import Iranian oil, presently: Make model to the whole world

India this making known one's position also is very difficult, want to know India wants every year to buy large quantities of weapons from the United States, they did not develop the ability of the weapon independently. If India holds to his choice, that estimation is to wanted to displease the United States thoroughly. So India also did not enrage how long forcedly, had promised the United States, can import in the oil that Iran reduces before December this year.

The attitude is tough! China rejects to stop to import Iranian oil, presently: Make model to the whole world

And China is most the country that begins a station to come out to object the United States, the concern that our country follows Iran all along pretty good, and our country should import large quantities of one oil every year from Iran, american this one act also had harmed our interest. China is having the big state of independent dominion as, be do not fear other country is minatory.

The attitude is tough! China rejects to stop to import Iranian oil, presently: Make model to the whole world

Russia media praised Chinese this one move wantonly, say our country made model to the whole world. The country that the station comes out to object the United States now still is not very much, but time is long, each country can realize the harm of American this one regulation for certain, the person that opposes to moment is met increasing.

The attitude is tough! China rejects to stop to import Iranian oil, presently: Make model to the whole world

And Iran also is not to hold the post of a person to bully, he had been initiated to the United States now strike back.

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