" how can you do " : He is not medical god, he is false medicine cheater!

Your scarcely knows, there is 10% unexpectedly in the current medicaments on the market is false medicine, they are so-called " all-purpose god medicine " , it is however actually 3 without the product. Sale false medicine causes belongings loss to the patient not only, still can delay an illness, endanger health and life. Face false drug problem, the country maintains high-pressured blow from beginning to end, but temptation of sudden huge profits makes many people risk danger in desperation. Tonight 21:10 Guangdong are defended inspect " how can be you done " , and see everybody piercing eye, smash to disease " false medicine " fraud!

" how can you do " : He is not medical god, he is false medicine cheater!

So-called effect a radical cure diabetic? It is false medicine actually

In dining-room, medical dealer is right inquire after sb's health of sicken old person, one affable hind approach a theme continuously: "Our company strong development gives a kind of new drug, 7 days fall firmly blood pressure, 15 days of insulin are elevatory, 30 days can effect a radical cure diabetic. This is the state allocates funds go of research and development, the toppest scientific research group develops the drug that come out with the toppest science and technology. Market price wants 20 thousand, buy you close affection price 3000... " hear can effect a radical cure disease, the patient ases if saw cure a hope.

" how can you do " : He is not medical god, he is false medicine cheater!

But well-known, diabetic cannot cure thoroughly at present, can rely on to take medicaments control for a long time only. Face the fraud of clearly, adjacent desk lady reminds an old person immediately: "This is false medicine, you were not cheated, treat a disease should go to normal hospital! Treat a disease should go to normal hospital!!

" how can you do " : He is not medical god, he is false medicine cheater!

Groups small sneer at bitingly: Too go up the elixir of old gentleman

Compare old people, the youth is easier sensitive perceive incorrect interest. Those who listen to fantastic of false drug dealer is vaunting, next door groups small cannot help sneering at: "You advocate the doctor cries too on old gentleman, is this the elixir of life that medicine divides to disease? " cheater is a little guilty, preparative belt takes money from the old person. The eye sees the old person is about to cheat, groups of small decisive block the way calls the police, "Somebody may be in here bilk, you here does convenient clique police come over to fall? You here does convenient clique police come over to fall??

Treat cheater, the schoolboy says to go up is " black is humorous " ; And face an old person, his look became much a care. "This kind of thing lets children come, where does the uncle stay in, I send otherwise you go back! I send otherwise you go back!!

" how can you do " : He is not medical god, he is false medicine cheater!

Secret man bully gas intervenes, prevent an old person to be cheated

In last groups of observation, the cheater that is about to prevail, suffer a secret man suddenly drink stop. "Sit down, do not move, I am in all the time the sound that records you, do you know I am of which unit. Give you a lesson tonight, I did not do you to go in, do you to go in likelihood crucial point you all one's life. " man awe strength is very, and as compensatory as the lady of his person of the same trade say, "You this is to make crime, exceeded 3000 cash do you know to a few years crouch jail? Exceeded 3000 cash do you know to a few years crouch jail??

Cheater appears dash against muzzle, secret identity causes honored guests curious, chen Lan is bold guess: "Police, he is a police absolutely " . Lei Ming says: "Of check group, of medical inspect bureau, possible. " is he after all why the identity?

" how can you do " : He is not medical god, he is false medicine cheater!

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