Story: Repair for promotion for, he spends big price to buy the costly medicinal material that repai

Story: Repair for promotion for, he spends big price to buy the costly medicinal material that repair refine

Blood of the 4th chapter asperses long market

Wait for a north to be aware of all round be on watch for when the look of gunny-bag of his foot edge is more and more concentrated, he is decisive no longer appraisal, push after saying a few days, come again, carry a gunny-bag to part the crowd went next.

The odds that though be in busy streets,is grabbed by force is very small, but the person of against the law of one swarm cherish follows, make hold the post of north also not dare rushed chaos goes.

Right now in his gunny-bag, say less to also have 339 clever rock, this can be brushstroke can make all common laic absolutely condition fierce person the rich and generous fortune that one's mind disturbed.

Fortunately Ren Beizao has preparation, he is left of abduct right turn cross in busy streets, run quickly to plan good destination and go continuously.

Wick sweet hind, hold the post of north to be in countless looks are orthoptic below, in walking into a passenger flow to measure huge red to spread, over the black wood board that red is hanging at the door the shop, anaglyph is worn " 100 grass hall " 3 bullion big character!

100 grass hall, the hill inside hill of tired earth celestial being 5 big one of mouths, the Ling Dan that tired Tuzongzongnei circulates and old drug, nearly 9 into come from Yu Baicao hall, in cabinet of cent of hall of each 100 grass, will surely have place of embryo of a bone ninefold, it is the ace assume personal command of law body condition even.

Be divide cabinet with 100 grass hall, just be the safest place in market.

The footboy that ambulates inside 100 grass hall, it is to do not have any fierce paths to repair those who be is vassal, see a mysterious north go, also do not feel to mind, than holding the post of north even they had seen the person of hide the head but show the tail.

"This guest official, but want to buy some of red drug? " of a teenager footboy hot wind of 8 years old seventeen before going up, receive.

Wait of annulus holding the post of north all around, path: "This childe should go 2 buildings buy red, lead a way. Lead a way..

What first floor buys is medicine of laic condition red, low-cost, and 2 buildings buy, be medicine of red of bone embryo condition completely, the price wants expensive on decuple more than still.

One resigned north goes 2 buildings, the complexion of teenager footboy is more enthusiastic, getting a the Northern Dynasties at once 2 buildings go.

The person in 2 buildings very few, this is after all outside courtyard, that financial capacity is canned afford, use the person that got drug of red of bone embryo condition again, indeed not much.

"The hematopoiesis red of courage and uprightness, strong character red that enhances fleshy body expands in 2 buildings, still what cure hurts coagulate fat red, alexipharmic blue sea red, does guest official want to some of what red drug buy? " the station of teenager footboy respect is before body holding the post of north, explain for him one by one.

Hold the post of north to think: "Hematopoiesis red and strong character red come to 10 bottles each, other red drug did not need, change an inferior clever stone to me again! Change an inferior clever stone to me again!!

Clever stone cent is tasted absolutely, top grade, medium article, inferior and sundry goods 5 grade, impurity of sundry goods clever stone is too much, cannot use at cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine directly, be outside courtyard the hard currency of these rock-bottom door people, and inferior clever stone can use Yu Xiulian.

An inferior clever stone, value clever stone of 1000 sundry goods!

Normally, he is the agogest now is promotion is repaired for, but he has drying-out, it is better to taste Ling Shixiu to compare red medicine result instead all right below directly, also more be to one's profit.

Teenager footboy plans quickly in the heart, path: "Hematopoiesis red and strong character red spell value 120 clever stone, external supply and demand pays 3400 spirit stone! External supply and demand pays 3400 spirit stone!!

Conveniently holding the post of north throws the gunny-bag in the hand him, "Check the number, buy a clean clothes to me again. Buy a clean clothes to me again..

Waited for a north to change a single person those who setting Phnom Penh is luxuriant white gown, in be being mixed in stream of people swaggeringly from 100 grass go inside hall when, still defend the person in the cherish against the law all round 100 grass hall nobody put attention on his body.

He is too young, cooperate his body to go up that body ostentatious luxuriant white gown, take off alive a little flooey money the dandy with respect to the have an exaggerated opinion of one's abilities, who meets the palm eye gentleman that he and need countless days accumulate horizon be contacted?

Hold the post of north to carrying a packet of superior hematopoiesis red and strong character red so, shook those who shake leisurely to leave at the moment in a flock of people that seek him.


Move the pupil that there are ten hearts to set foot on road of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine inside hill courtyard, and ten inside the courtyard that move hill settle settles down, the common common people of the set up shop that pay a store, be in order to occupy terrestrial pole wide, can compares a laic city!

The holds the post of north to return specially to often go before his master that wine shop that buys red drug bought one altar wine sweet the wine of 4 excessive, carrying those who shake leisurely of shake from side to side to come home.

He crosses a lane of street, alley, the person all round is less and less, the alley lane of the course is quieter and quieter also.

When the devious alley that walks into somebody of a rarely to go in him is done, the birdcall all round and bug song disappeared at a draught.

Hold the post of boreal go no further, complexion turns cold, "Row follow here, come out! Come out!!

A breeze has been blown, unmanned response.

The look that assumes north is colder, "Want me to ask everybody to come out? " saying, he puts the wine in the hand in the corner gently, remove aba lap hold up slowly, fasten between the waist.

This falls, all round rang at long last a few activity.

The black clothes person that 6 whole bodies lock below face-cloth of nocturnal travel garment, black goes up from the Fang Liang all round slowly, go in the shadow of eave, one pace day holds the post of the sign that shows all sides to surround north goes.

Allow in expressionless annulus wait all around, start to talk again: "Be Cao Jing sky or Wei Zifeng? "Be Cao Jing sky or Wei Zifeng??

One's voice in speech just fell, a white people falls at ring of encirclement besides, the look is hoping bloodily to hold the post of north.

Be is Na Qiyu uncommon China who is taking teenager Cao Jing for nothing?

Ren Beizhi is inspecting Cao Jing sky, of at a leisurely pace say: "Know you by hook and crook, but not you meet expect such dirty. But not you meet expect such dirty..

The sword arm that Cao Jing is broken by Ren Beishe then for nothing still is hanged on the neck, expression is crackers, fierce the blusterous path of severe: "Hangdog thing, dare break off the arm of this childe, I want you dead, I want you to die! Start work to this childe! Start work to this childe!!

Person of 6 black clotheses hears talk, unplug at the same time the ground and case, attack continuously a north, instantly, more than 10 are sending out of blue faint ray arrow of steel needle, dart, sleeve is shot from far and near to hold the post of north!

Hold the post of boreal drink like a fish, enrage unlined upper garment of the garment since beat really all over, at the same time gently a bit ground, of body delicacy extremely begin to control shift at high speed.

"Bite bite bite " much is dark implement be held the post of north has avoided, a few are really those who had not avoided is dark implement also be slanted with belt of true energy of life by him, in so many dark implement besiege below, holding the post of north to be stupefied is to connect fine hair on the human body to do not have!

Escape all dark implement hold the post of north to rest ceaselessly, face about, below the foot again a bit ground, body seem ski uses half measure to forward slip commonly, bump to the black clothes person that comes over from his body back wall head on.

The one Jing in popular feeling of this black clothes, mention in the hand fine grow again, extremely benefit is pricked at the creese of assassinate to the chin that holds the post of north.

Speed holding the post of north is not decreased, slightly a side body, had avoided this records the bayonet charge with hot firm, at the same time skill will rouse the big sleeve that swinging true energy of life to be swung, accurate the place that takes the artifice in black clothes person, slant creese shake, interrupt his hind action.

Another gesticulation is like those who go straight towards thunder to be bungled on the Adam's apple of black clothes person, hear ringing bone song to ring only, the head of black clothes person is fierce hang down ahead, did not have breath.

Vacate a north of the hand to do not have any halt, capture backhand of this already gone black clothes person to be pulled, regard its as shield is blocked in back.

"Chi Chi " a few booms are to be since same time noise almost, thorn was in 4 handle creese to hold the post of boreal back on body of body of this black clothes person.

Differ their draw, ghosts of just like holding the post of north is general from body back lighten, formfitting in bumping into person of these 4 black clotheses.

Enginery is in hand, if close body battle, nature is a inch long, one Cun Jiang, but if close-fitting battle, enginery instant can become burden.

When be like herewith, ren Beichong entered philtrum of 4 black clotheses, seem tiger enters Yang Qun, repair him the dominant position that prepares high slightly for person of blacker than these clothes to magnify indefinitely!

The black clothes person with the sharpest reaction, in hold the post of north to bump come in when, abandon a sword decisively one palm is patted to wind holding the post of north, punish person of 4 black clotheses personally right now surround in, turn for Ren Beiteng without the space move moves, if want to hide forcedly, must abandon this opportunity.

Those who hold the post of north not to knit even brows is unripe got one control, a single step below the foot is not retreated, instead head on and go up, enrol ear of double wind fill, two fist are bungled on the ear of person of this black clothes at the same time from the left and right sides, of the force big, unripe be born to die shake of person of this black clothes!

After shooting dead person of a black clothes, hold the post of north to feel to evil wind is transmitted after the head, between no time to delay he suddenly one-sided head, a fist from him left shoulder is worn piece, see one fist is bungled empty, person of this black clothes is about to go the fist is claw, regrettablly, late!

Hold the post of north to raise left arm, elbow is fierce hind attack, on the pit of the stomach of bumps in his back black clothes person of firm firm, hear only frowsty hum, catoptric of condition of whole individual of black clothes person bend forward personally, the head wants volt to be on back holding the post of north almost.

Hold the post of boreal canthus to sweep right to serpent of just like of one handle creese says a letter by chance average bite between the waist to him, his take everything into one's own hands lives he is left the arm on the shoulder, stock trick is applied again, place turned half rounds, person of will black clothes regards as shield is blocked to creese.

"Chi " boom, those who transmit is carry on the back to tear off kind of pang after, holding the post of north is only slightly one frown, even if,body did not hesitate the time of one a snap of the fingers, conveniently has seized the creese in hand of this black clothes on the back with respect to, very quickly and case, kill to the black clothes person before his body.

Hold the post of north to leave very quickly, show perforative the creese sword of black clothes person is pointed behind him, by perforative black clothes person be not to die to also be abandoned admittedly, but northerly hind the back also is worn by disclose, blood is rapid incarnadine the white gown on his body.

See him the Northern Dynasties kill come, foot of person of that black clothes issues one sluggish, plunged into a Ma Bu, quickness of the creese in the hand is waved, sword light forms a sword screen.

An one sword is given gently after be born holding the post of north. This one sword did not have the murderous look of a tiny bit, instead seem dance person the Bai Lian in the hand, accumulate the elegant lasting appeal that containing a difficult word.

But this one sword however essence of life is carried extremely definitely medium the creese in act of sword of black clothes person, attack came loose sword act, meanwhile,

Look be like buoyant one foot, let person of this black clothes however show outer double eye to be in bestrewed hematic silk instantly, the in the future that the hand that holds a sword does not stop one raise, buddhism is big.

Take the advantage of this opportunity, complexion holding the post of north is quiet wave, the creese in the hand is like the throat that rude reality has wiped person of this black clothes gently like natural and smooth writing of fast, just like, when creese is flagging, the bead sign that hematic bead just like breaks a string is common Cong Jian needle is drippy.

When saying late, fast in those days, from north is bare-handed attack kill person of the first black clothes to begin, be held the post of to person of this black clothes north cuts throat, around counts the time of 10 breath nevertheless!

And to only then to eventually he did not use any one device fierce path stunt, learn absolutely!

This is person of 6 black clotheses ambushs a north after all, still hold the post of north to ambush these black clothes people?

Person of two when remain black clotheses is being waited for attack in.

Hold the post of north to look up gently, it is simple only carry dashing eyebrows, there is breath of a bit fierce severe on comely countenance.

But it is this simple movement that raise eyebrow, be stupefied is the black clothes life that attacks two is born frighten retreat!

Cao Jing is empty already by at the moment this one act is aghast, he is stupefied be stupefied hoping to kill 4 people repeatedly, do not have even complexion those who had changed to hold the post of north however, the sizzler that is summerly end Chu Qiu obviously is angry, he feels water of a pail of ice is irrigated from the beginning only however below, so cold that he trembles all over!

Person of two when remain black clotheses is carrying creese also is to be like,tremble branny sieve, be stupefied is neither one person dare move to holding the post of north again!

They are not to had not seen homicide, but had not seen indeed so of mention lightly kill 4 people repeatedly, return one face insipid firm person!

The look that assumes north falls on Cao Jing's empty body, kill in pupil meaning shine, carrying creese stride to move toward Cao Jing sky.

Cao Jing empty fart dare not put, face about runs.

He runs hold the post of north to be chased after, person of implicative two when remain black clotheses also walks accordingly.

This pair of picture, if on the side still have a third party, certainly can is is to hold the post of north to getting a flock of killer chasing after sky of the Jing that kill Cao!

"Block him to this childe! Hold the post of north, this childe won't let off you! This childe won't let off you!!

The article comes from a novel " fight battle to break a day "

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