Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter

3 years ago, the father Zhao sweet Bin of brave of Zhao of person of hill of Heibei the Tang Dynasty encountered a traffic accident become plant person, all previous dies finally via two years of many cure. Huang Shufen of cause trouble driver rejects to pay the compensation that the court adjudicates the money with all sorts of reason however, be called by the netizen " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " . A few days ago, zhao Yong mentions " affirm Huang Shufen is in house property of under one's name of daughter Liu bright moon what hold share " civil suit case is south district of Tang Shan city division people court is sessional. Spot of front courtyard careful, huang Shufen denies the house property that is a daughter to pay much head pay and still borrow, firm say oneself pay compensation the money without money. This case was not adjudged on the court.

Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter is terrible

Huang Shufen (the data pursues)

Accepting ferry cloud when journalist is interviewed, zhao Yong states Huang Shufen is ill-mannered, and changing a concept to undertake chicanery secretly all the time. And the development to whole thing, huang Shufen also accepted a reporter eventually interview. In the phone, she to ferry cloud journalist expresses him " very grievance " : "I am not Laolai, zhao Yong by what defile am I mixed my daughter? Those video recording that he puts are he garbles, dare be he put complete, don't have editing and rearrangement to pass? Dare be he put complete, don't have editing and rearrangement to pass??

About traffic accident: "I am to stem from sympathize with, just did not appeal "

On October 6, 2015, a traffic accident that father Zhao Xiangbin of Zhao Yong encounters, changed the destiny of this family thoroughly. On December 1, 2017, zhao Xiangbin dies, testimonial of pathology of legal medical expert shows, his death and traffic accident existence are causal. Subsequently, because Huang Shufen is suspected of blame of traffic cause trouble by Tang Shan city is plump and smooth-skinned approval of division people procuratorate is arrested, its are suspected of committing crime of traffic cause trouble one record put on record. Subsequently, this case saves Tang Shan in Heibei city is plump and smooth-skinned open a court session of division people court is tried, the court is adjudged on the court, huang Shufen commits crime of traffic cause trouble, the set term of imprisonment that be sentenced 8 months.

Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter is terrible

Huang Shufen comes to the court (in the graph the red person that encircle)

The Huang Shufen that was released after serving a sentence on August 9 this year, mention this nearly 3 years of traffic accident before, express to adjudicate to there are a lot of unreasonable places in the process: "Zhao brave father is mixed at that time other two individual cross driveways, also did not get off pushing go, I am to hide they, the result sheered two people, did not sheer him, of this ability dash against. Be opposite in double Huang Xian side dash against, also the person hides, originally I am normal travel, do not have overspeed to also do not have retrograde motion, this is at that time check can prove mark. This is at that time check can prove mark..

Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter is terrible

Trouble spot sketch map

In the meantime, she tells a reporter, when person of firm dash against, she did not feel the thing has many serious: "His father is quite sober still at that time, still say to let everybody help him up go at the same time, we are afraid of destroy the spot to just did not move him, who knew to give so large issue later. Who knew to give so large issue later..

Huang Shufen thinks, 9 groups maintain policeman of Tang Shan public security without doer of any violate the rules and regulations advocate duty, traverse by bike highway is serious violate the rules and regulations person second duty, it is the misjudged case of black and white reverse. In addition, between the dying to Zhao Xiangbin and traffic accident causal, she also is put disagree, "At that time Zhao Yong to prove his father die and applied for cadaver check, but I see there is his father to have on the report ' serious hidebound ' and ' bedsore ' , I think the cause of death of his father is much organ fails, can because do not have those who had gotten to take care of,that be, because hidebound and does the organ fail? Can you have nothing to do with traffic accident? Because this ability applied for cadaver check 2 times, not be brave resembling Zhao in the bespatter on the net my in that way, do not let his father rest. Do not let his father rest..

Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter is terrible

Cadaver check of Zhao Xiangbin reports

To afore-mentioned viewpoints of Huang Shufen, zhao Yong expresses, twice the conclusion of medical jurisprudence appraisal shows, zhao Xiangbin is " after traffic accident sends skull head to injure, be in a plant for a long time to live position is subsequent much organ exhaustion dies " . "She is changing a concept secretly. " Zhao Yong says.

After announcing to forensic court decision, why to mention at that time appeal, want however when just undertake contradictory now, huang Shufen explanation says: "Appealing at that time is to stem from sympathize with. After all the family was bumped into, got hurt again, I here thing of it doesn't matter. And the policeman says with us at that time, the fully comprehensive insurance on me, the compensation of insurance company is about the same enough. Because I sympathize with them, feel to make them much take bit of money, wanting to calculate so, advocate duty advocate duty, identify the court decision. " Huang Shufen mouth sighed, to ferry cloud journalist says, "I feel now, it is good person is done hard really. It is for their consider originally, he is threatening now too very, I can speak out only. I can speak out only..

"She says she does not have time at that time, she is busy, do not appeal so, because sympathize with,saying again now is. Contradiction is if herself says. And these contradiction are not me to her from logic the analysis comes out, however I have recording evidence, it is solid hit solid antilogy. " Zhao Yong tells ferry cloud journalist, "Every my word for me is responsible, also hope to if she has said for herself, be in charge of. Also hope to if she has said for herself, be in charge of..

About reparations: "I consider his fund, but executive branch nonfeasance "

Mention 1.35 million yuan of reparations that the court adjudicates, be in before in interviewing, huang Shufen once expressed, she " do business, (this bit of money) earn still also went up 3 two years " , "I am not Laolai, I compensate 60 much how be Laolai? " and Zhao Yong tells ferry cloud journalist, accident up to now, "Huang Shufen had not recouped a minute of money actively. She is so called 60 much, include 420 thousand yuan when insurance company compensate pays, with the part that implements compulsively between incident processing process. With the part that implements compulsively between incident processing process..

Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter is terrible

In those days the accident holds a book

Huang Shufen to ferry cloud journalist expresses, she thinks, put in a lot of unreasonable places in the court decision. "It is sequel nurses above all the problem of cost, nutrition cost, I feel at that time, sentence have to, the plant person that result court sentenced 17 years nurses cost and nutrient cost, of compensation ' big head ' it is this part. Although grew 17 years than what I think, but I also want to make him living, I am to sympathize with their father and son really, popular feeling is the flesh is long. I looked not to appeal, the feeling earns on a few years to still also can go up, 17 years with respect to 17 years. But his father had died now, I want to ask Zhao Yong, does this share charge still want compensate? Is this in bluff person? Is this in bluff person??

To this, zhao Yong expresses, huang Shufen has a few problems on the operation now: "This is the result that the court adjudicates, if she refuses to obey, should not pester with me, the legal procedure with go normal however. This is jural need the obligation that she assumes, I am not to be in ' bluff person ' , just be the legitimate rights and interests that did not abandon me just. Just be the legitimate rights and interests that did not abandon me just..

Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter is terrible

Court of people of the division austral district of Tang Shan city

In addition, huang Shufen still points out, she also did not say all the time not be out of pocket, 860 thousand yuan when just remain then, she cannot one-time compensation, the hope is OK in installment. "Everybody is large fortune, take so much money at a draught. I discuss to say to be taken first at the beginning 100 thousand, from the back slowly compensate, the person that follows a court talks things over, they make me much take a place, say to be taken first 300 thousand. I say I am taken at most 200 thousand, do not have a message later. I also do not know this thing should look for executive bureau, I look for them later, chief always is ' be away on official business ah ' ' be absent ah ' . I have compensatory desire, consider Zhao brave fund all the time, but executive branch nonfeasance, delayed this to talk things over, posed I and the contradiction between Zhao Yong. Posed I and the contradiction between Zhao Yong..

To this kind of view of Huang Shufen, zhao Yong expresses that he cannot be accepted. "Executive branch is in all the time contact her, but her hand mechanism machine. She says to earn all the time still went up 3 two years, this thing goes now how long, was she returned? Was she returned??

The plan henceforth: "I already notorious, of dreariness of it doesn't matter "

Huang Shufen tells ferry cloud journalist, she present, had done not have ability reparations. "Say 3 years two to be able to be returned before me, because my at that time does business,be, I make a few sheet more hard, still also went up. I had been done to get lose all reputation by Zhao Yong now, the job also was done not have, after estimation bad also to searched, do not earn money what to take to return? Do not earn money what to take to return??

Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter is terrible

The gymnastical area that Huang Shufen's daughter attends class in the home

Huang Shufen expresses, she now is to rely on a daughter feeding, "Every month gives the daughter I 2000, return the loan of more than 6000 again, do not have remnant at all the money that what gets along. " mention daughter, huang Shufen bursts into tears, "Zhao Yong forces so that my daughter wants dead! I do the thing, I strike the person, why does he publish the information of my daughter on the net? My daughter is gymnastical coach, after making public, all gym do not let her attended class. This house of sessional now cognizance, my daughter was bought 2014, how can we think of at that time to traffic accident happened 2015? How can you transfer asset? This house has nothing to do with me, be my daughter, is Zhao Yong dry force my daughter? She a few secondary commit suicide! She a few secondary commit suicide!!

Tang Shan " schoolbook type often goes back on his word " : I already notorious it doesn't matter is terrible

The proof that Huang Shufen offers buys the receipt of room time

Nevertheless, huang Shufen also tells ferry cloud journalist, current, the daughter found the job in gym of a new-blown, base salary 2500 yuan, a class 150 yuan, 30 classes control a week, base natural burden expenditure of every months. Still a few old students attend class in daughter home, can make a few money again. "Zhao Yong says our moral quality is poor, if our moral quality is poor, can be family student chased after excellent in come? Can be family student chased after excellent in come??

Speak of the plan henceforth, huang Shufen expresses, she can continue to be him averment through legal order. "I feel I take punishment originally, this thing went, did not think of Zhao Yong still is chasing after us. " the tear stains on her erase face, say then, "I did not work now, also notorious, the poorest such nevertheless also, I still have what dreariness. I can be I and my daughter step by step to get back justice certainly. I can be I and my daughter step by step to get back justice certainly..

To Huang Shufen's manner, zhao Yong expresses " can say nothing " , and face future to may last for some time even " seesaw battle " , he states he can hold on, "Do not hold on to I am sorry I am 3 this years. " he lets his thought flow freely to the reporter originally life contrail: "If did not give this job, I should study architect evidence now, settle in Tianjin, have a steady job. And now, what did I turn into appearance? " he is visitting distant place, tell a reporter, "The business grows now, I must want dimension to counterpoise after all. I must want dimension to counterpoise after all..

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