Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

Nowadays, everybody has what doubt

The first reaction often is " get online check check "

Little imagine

Not be all information suit to be gotten from the net!

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

For instance, after was being cheated by cheater

Do not call the police immediately, instead Baidu rises " network police "


"110 network polices of Chinese " ? ?

Two years ago

Wu Mou is in each large network forum

With " 110 network polices of Chinese " wait for name to register

Intercurrent Tie Sheng says he is network police

Hear all sorts of bilk cases, still leave QQ mark

At the same time he and Wen Mou, Chen Mou

The partner such as Ou Mou, Fu Mou agreement of a few people

Carry out network bilk by Wu Mou

The person such as Wen Mou is in charge of offerring receive

The injured party turns to the bank of Zhang gets stuck and arrange personnel to carry now

The advantage of 15% expends every successful brushstroke collection

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

Before long, the first fool hit this pit

After a few days when give out in these cards

Miss Zhang because by network bilk 5000 yuan

Find the net note that Wu Mou sends through Baidu

Establish relationship of QQ good friend to it

She is cheated herself after be related is stated in detail

Wu Mou pretends 5000 yuan when already was cheated its are frozen

Ask Miss Zhang receives refund to bank ATM machine

Subsequently, wu Mou flank is informed Miss Zhang bank in card

Still have more than yuan 70 thousand

Satisfy coax machine of ATM of Miss Zhang operation

Enter " refund system " (solid to turn Zhang interface)

Inputted date of Zhang of a bank

(this Zhang date is earning of partner of Wu Mou connection)

Catch Wu Mou flicker Miss Zhang

Reintroduce " refund code " 49988

(solid to turn Zhang amount)


Miss Zhang turns gave near 50 thousand yuan

This amount is even before what be cheated is decuple!

Very fast, this money by a few so called " network police "

To divided up

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

At this moment, ability discovers Miss Zhang to be cheated

Dial then 110 call the police

Very fast these a few cheater are caught

The course investigates discovery

5 suspects use same technique early or late bilk 17 people

Experience record amount is close 180 thousand yuan

Final, wu Mou is sentenced set term of imprisonment 2 years 10 months

Punish golden RMB 20 thousand yuan

4 people also acquire the rest respectively corresponding penalty

Actually, more than the experience that is Miss Zhang

Experience is sham after still a lot of people are cheated " net alarm "

Thereby, be cheated again

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

" police appeals on the net after the man is cheated "

Be cheated more than 1000 yuan 8 again

On June 5, 2018, luoyang one man calls the police say, its were cheated 8000 yuan of money. Original, before today Li Mou knew a netizen in small letter, the other side says to be able to be offerred " special service " . Li Mou agrees to meet with the other side place, turn go 1200 yuan of charge, did not wait however come the other side.

Li Mou feels embarrassed dial 110 call the police, can want to recover this money again, go to in the search on the net so called " the whole nation calls the police center " QQ date. After adding the other side to be a good friend, the experience of Miss Zhang repeats on Li Mou body again.

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

Turn go 8000 multivariate hind

Ability realizes Li Mou to be cheated

Dial finally 110 call the police

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

"The part-time job that brush sheet " after be being cheated

Search " international net alarm " appeal to be cheated 8000

Ms. Wu of Changzhou sees on the net " part-time job " information, add the other side actively to be a good friend. The other side states Ms. Wu can do a part-time job, but must pay of all kinds and relevant fee first in all more than yuan 2000. Then Ms. Wu turns to the other side 2175 yuan. However money turns went out, the other side did not have sign however.

Be aware oneself were deceived. Ms. Wu urgent angry, search on the net then " network to apply for a job is cheated how to do " , found " international net alarm " QQ date.

Then, the experience of Ms. Zhang repeats N on Ms. Wu body again second... Ms. Wu is cheated more than yuan 8000.

A few hours short, incur fraud loss two cases one after another more than 10000 yuan, ms. Wu was dialed eventually " 110 " call the police the phone appeals.

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

See above case

Having one exception is from " the network is cheated " begin

With " the dragnet on the net alarm " for the turn

Final final result is of course

Again by " net alarm " kite

But under dial 110 call the police

So, everybody is opposite after all net alarm what misunderstanding is there?

Net alarm it is to point to

"Be engaged in safety of public information network the people police of censorial job "

is not " on the net the search is found " " police " !

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!

Of course

Bilk element is pretended to be " net alarm "

Also be very abhorrent!

Everybody instructs a few court here discern method


Always say to infiltrate money of safe Zhang date " net alarm " all be the cheater that pretends to be a police;


Call the police put on record is beardless pay any charge;


Call the police should carry normal channel, on not credulous website, socialization application of optional ferret " net alarm " ;

Be cheated on one woman net 5 1000, added " police " QQ, be cheated again 50 thousand!


Anybody is asked for with any excuse " bail " when, want to keep vigilant, do not turn at will Zhang remittance.


If meet emergency,dial in time please 110 call the police.

Remind next everybody again

If was cheated

The search on the net cannot find the solution

Find " net alarm " basic be a holiday!

Had better head for nearby police station to seek advice instantly appeal

Or dial directly " 110 " call the police the phone calls the police!

Not credulous so called " network police " !

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