Dragon spring police station uncovers case of the fair bilk that rent a house 25 cases

Dragon spring police station uncovers case of the fair bilk that rent a house 25 casesDragon spring police station uncovers case of the fair bilk that rent a house 25 cases

On August 28, 2018, dragon spring police station uncovers case of the fair bilk that rent a house, criminal detains 2 people, crack a criminal case 25.

On August 28 1 when 40 minutes, yang Mou always (male, 24 years old, person of Yi fine county) admire with Lv Mou (female, 37 years old, person of Zhao Yang area) taking a flock of people to request to help to Long Quan police station settle dispute. Classics understanding, yang Mou always, Lv Mou admires to be dealt with with can assisting application fair rent a house for, to other collection after certain expenses, arrive without application fair rent a house, cause dispute. The policeman is preliminary decide the behavior that Yang Mou always admires with Lv Mou is suspected of bilk, classics is interrogatory, guilty suspect Yang Mou always admires to be offerred according to the facts with Lv Mou narrate its since May 2017, arrive in order to assist application fair rent a house for bilk 25, experience record amount the 20 guilty facts of more than.

Dragon spring police station uncovers case of the fair bilk that rent a house 25 cases

Current, guilty suspect Yang Mou always, Lv Mou is colourful already by lawfully criminal is detained, the case is being dealt with further in.

Dragon spring police station uncovers case of the fair bilk that rent a house 25 cases

Origin | Net of Chang'an of Zhao Yang of police station of @ dragon spring

Contribute mailbox | 3020864774@qq.com

Chief editor | Shen Yang

Deputy chief editor | Zhang Guohua of Yang Yukun Yang Qiong

Chief editor | Yang Yukun

Always engineer | Cao Bin

Plan | Handsome wool treats Qiu of flourish of thundercloud wave kingcraft Wang Jun of ooze of government office Peng

Editorial office director | Ren Tianneng

Editor | Zi of continuous heavy rain of Li Jie tiger (exercitation)

Sponsor | In relief area of clear of the Communist Party of China appoint propagandist department

Undertake | Center of news of Zhao Yang area

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