" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

<span Class="bjh-h3"> is textual: Fu Heng loves Ying Luo more in light of gut, although do not have v/arc a person's status of husband and wife, but there is each other in each other heart, fu Heng was to exhaust lifetime goes more expect. Imperial woman is too much, woman of the palace after be opposite just conquers the desire stopped. Feel distressed Fu Hengying Luo

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

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" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

" the strategy that delay happiness " : Who loves Qianlong and teach constant more Wei Ying Luo?

<span Class="bjh-blockquote"> is Fu Heng for certain, qianlong begins to love empress more, but the Qianlong after empress commits suicide is a bit disappointed to empress, feel she did not become the queen of big Qing Dynasty good, saying emperor or unified exam Lv are very much so is not all it is love, and Fu Heng is different, he uses the woman that one inborn him expect loves

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