The doubt of recruit: Army does not allow recruit smoking, why veteran and OK smoke keep?

Be in our country, enlist enrollment is the dream that has annals young person more very much probably. Want to know some youths that join the army have a lot of undesirable habits, take smoking for! Some youths learned to smoke before early, alleged " vivid immortal of be better than of a smoke after the meal " , in living at ordinary times, you want how to much smoke nobody is in charge of you. But come to army different! There is a regulation in army, recruit enrollment when do not allow smoking. Many people said here: "Hum! With respect to my this a craving for tobacco, one day does not smoke bloodless, want my word, I am met for certain secretly perhaps look for a Ga La in the toilet in secretly smoking. Such doing true not OK?

The doubt of recruit: Army does not allow recruit smoking, why veteran and OK smoke keep?

Actually, recruit does not allow to smoke, no matter you hide where secretly smoke, always have by the monitor or when company commander is caught " go by the side of Chang Zaihe, which not can wet shoe " in case be caught, castigatory means can let you suspect life. However some of person discovers; Recruit can not smoke, some are veteran however smoke ceaseless, be a soldier likewise by what veteran and OK smoke? It is them qualifications and record of service is old, smoking be permissioned? Want to no matter be what smoke,know, have on cigarette case " smoking is harmful and healthy " these 6 words, army also is for the healthy consider of recruit, hope they are OK smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline. Have healthy physique, assume a heavy responsibility that keeps the home to defend a country.

The doubt of recruit: Army does not allow recruit smoking, why veteran and OK smoke keep?

Said again, recruit comes the work and rest before army does not have the rule, smoking excessive drinking, brought about fitness very poor. Assessment of each physical ability after coming to army amounts to mark very hard. When wanting to know recruit is assessed, if passing scale is too poor, there is light on the face of company commander, say company commander nature cannot let them smoke so. However the thing also has exception, e.g. you all physical ability assess the word that is close to full marks, if smoke to be caught, won't handle commonly, after all is your achievement placed over?

The doubt of recruit: Army does not allow recruit smoking, why veteran and OK smoke keep?

Do not allow recruit smoking in army, basically be to can let recruit have a healthy physique, want to once be on battlefield,know, the likelihood causes inevitable loss to army because of a butt, everybody does not think most propbably see such thing happens. Someone said, why veteran and OK smoke on army, should know veteran lived for a long time on army, hard to avoid can generate a few little sentiments, to take care of veteran mood, army allows smoking to alleviate their depressive mood. What view to have to this everybody?

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