Sixty-eight million one hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred yuan of debt are long procrastina

Photo: Phoenix

Shanghai phoenix releases announcement late on August 31 to say, because of,Shanghai phoenix accuses bicycle of share company phoenix with east gorge is big (Beijing) management seeks advice from dispute of contract of limited company business, at city of northerly recently capital to lodge a complaint of court of the first intermediate people, lawsuit involves amount sixty-eight million one hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred yuan. The data shows, gorge is connected greatly east it is operation of Ofo Xiaohuang car namely square. Public figure of department of Ofo public relations expresses not to grant to this matter to reporter of newspaper of Chinese negotiable securities buy is judged.

Order finishs inadequacy 4 into

Shanghai phoenix expresses in announcement, 2017, phoenix bicycle and east gorge is big are signed " the bicycle purchases framework agreement " hind, phoenix bicycle and east gorge is big signed much portion to purchase a contract. Classics both sides checks, up to prosecution day, gorge is connected greatly east still owe phoenix bicycle payment for goods sixty-eight million one hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred yuan. Shanghai phoenix expresses, the basis purchases a contract, gorge opens the act that defaults payment for goods and charge greatly east serious violate a treaty, close right increase to safeguard oneself, phoenix bicycle to forensic to lodge a complaint.

The lawsuit of Shanghai phoenix respect requests to include: Sentence Ling Dongxia is big to pay payment for goods sixty-eight million one hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred yuan; Compensatory exceed the time limit pays loss of break a contact one million eight hundred and sixty-five thousand two hundred yuan; Pay accuser the retaining fee, carry insurance cost to wait for 200 thousand yuan (plan of of short duration) ; The case accepts fee, conserve the litigant expenses such as application fee by east assume gorge is big. At present case have not sessional cognizance.

Chinese negotiable securities signs up for a reporter to contact public figure of department of Ofo public relations, this personage expresses not to grant to this matter buy is judged.

Announcement shows, may 2017, shanghai phoenix announces its accused limited company of bicycle of phoenix of share company Shanghai and Ofo respect to sign " strategic cooperation agreement " . According to this agreement provision, inside 12 months of future, phoenix bicycle will be made for Ofo not less than 5 million share bicycle purchase a plan. On May 5, 2018, shanghai phoenix releases announcement to say, up to on May 5, its accuse bicycle of phoenix of share company Shanghai limited company reachs his gorge is big eastwards in all related company offers product of of all kinds bicycle one million eight hundred and sixty-one thousand six hundred, achieve sales revenue 637 million yuan. This means order plan to finish not as good as 40% . Shanghai phoenix thinks, the main reason that strategic collaboration do not anticipate is the government sector superintendency to sharing bicycle, reach share bicycle to put in a circumstance actually to sharing bicycle put in demand to bring an influence, gorge is connected greatly east decreased to purchase an amount actually.

Shanghai phoenix expressed in announcement on August 31, because of declared lawsuit have not sessional cognizance, the company cannot be judged at present declared lawsuit is right company this period profit or period hind the influence of profit.

Outstanding achievement of industrial chain company glides

2018, suffer share bicycle heat to be exited in succession with operation enterprise no longer wait for an influence, crop of our country bicycle glides apparently first half of the year. Believe data of department of ministry consumable industry according to labour, before 2018 6 months, manufacturing industry of our country bicycle is main in the product, two rounds of feet step bicycle accumulative total to achieve yield nineteen million four hundred and fifteen thousand, accumulative total drops compared to the same period 32.1% . The newspaper shows in, relevant industry catenary appears on the market company outstanding achievement all drops apparently, sharing bicycle order to drop quickly is main reason.

The newspaper in Shanghai phoenix shows, the company realizes business income first half of the year 353 million yuan, drop compared to the same period 55.72% , implementation net profit 19.11 million yuan, drop compared to the same period 55.44% . The company shows in half annals, share bicycle order to reduce overlay country to go continuously lever, go producing can, bring about industry whole to appear produce can superfluous situation; The promotion of requirement of domestic environmental protection and raw material, cost that use worker worker rose to compress an enterprise to gain profit further space; And wave motion of ceaseless, exchange rate increased international trade dispute to also increase company operation risk.

In Shanghai of road stock subsidiary is permanent it is actor is done obeisance to bicycle and in all the product supplier that hundred overcomes. Road share half an year signs up for exposure in, shanghai is permanent first half of the year 2018 achieve sales revenue 183 million yuan, glide compared to the same period 22.13% . Share bicycle fittings supplier to believe Long Jiankang to realized business income first half of the year 2018 675 million yuan, decrease compared to the same period 25.86% ; Net profit three million eight hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred yuan, decrease compared to the same period 87.61% . The health that believe grand expresses, because home shared bicycle demand to decrease considerably 2018, the company reports period inside the order photograph that shares bicycle is compared go up year of the corresponding period is quick decrease about 90% , bring about the sales revenue of bicycle spare parts inside report period to drop 31.12% .


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