Recently, country old Sineide is accepting rice name when interviewing, express, beinitesi ever asked Aituoao continues in the country rice makes left wing, refuse however.
2009-10 sports season, muliniao leads Sineide, Milituo and Aituoao to be a country rice took Europe coronal champion, in team 4231 of at that time model in, aituoao's position is outside left.
Solemn Shuai Yuan walks along Bainawu later, after Beinitesi assumes office, ask Aituoao continues in the country rice makes left wing, sineide recollects: "Aituoao made left wing for Muliniao, beinitesi also so when the requirement, he says not, I can be done in that way for Muliniao only (make wing) . I can be done in that way for Muliniao only (make wing) ..
By December 2010, rice government declares the state with Beinitesi end an agreement, be apart from him to had received ferula of blue black army group at that time just time of half an year, team cares about armour 17 rounds 8 get the better of 5 smooth 4 negative, backward You Wen is ranked 2 minutes the 5th. Laiangnaduo takes over a country later rice, rate team wins championship of complacent Jia Yajun, Italy cup.