" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning c

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

On September 3, elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins formally, this is greenbelt nave afterwards the another major interest after shopping centers practice cashs well, mean Nanning to add to build up again not only the education of excellent teachers force " foothold " , be form a complete set of greenbelt nave education more is perfect, promoted the investment of dishes of the project is whole property value and foreground greatly.

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

(Elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus termed begins formally on September 3, 2018)

Profit of completion of elementary school of husband of ease of Nanning city key is good cash as scheduled

In standing vise general manager of company of Guangxi of greenbelt Hong Kong Liuxue flies to hand over golden key black beautiful area to teach bureau director to bilk Qing Ling hind, both hands of Li Yuekui of president of elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease has received golden key, announce virtuous guest campus holds water formally. Regard the whole nation as optimal elementary school 500 strong, elementary school of husband of ease of Nanning city key virtuous guest campus falls a greenbelt nave, it is afterwards the another major interest after shopping centers practice cashs well.

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

(Xue Fei of Liu of standing vise general manager of company of Guangxi of greenbelt Hong Kong and school just lead group photo accept as a souvenir)

Be in early at the beginning of the project is built, with overall of position of state of industry of 6 old high end, aim to upgrade the town is bustling. Each great profit is good nowadays cash as scheduled, appreciate those who quicken a project to fasten property product completely.

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

(opening celebration spot)

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

(elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease the protestant room of virtuous guest campus)

Form a complete set upgrades again

Investment greenbelt nave cashed

Elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease of virtuous guest campus term begins mean what the project teachs form a complete set to upgrade, with echo of project commerce form a complete set, office form a complete set and photograph of life form a complete set, make each industry condition forms the project the zoology trap annulus of a benign development, property value all the way bullish.

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

Be in early 289 Shanghai heaven and earth hired a street completely last year, till shopping centers is flourishing this year practice, the industry condition blue print that the project plans 3 years ago is the owner that invested greenbelt nave to cash step by step. Opening mark wears ease husband elementary school project form a complete set upgrades again, shop of office, business, apartment, hotel fastens property value to enter completely all-time erupt period.

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

Each big property value jumps swift and violent

Investment is about to take the advantage of now

As we have learned, greenbelt nave each big property value jumps swift and violent. Among them, consign only hire of month of the business end the residence of half an year is as high as 180-280 yuan / ㎡, highest gains return rate can be amounted to 12% ; Can plant the office month hire of the tree can amount to 190 yuan / ㎡, tower above is the same as area hire 1.5 times more than. Nowadays, in the project each benefit is driven well below, project property investment tastes hire to return will all the way raise...

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

Office building of 7 shopping centers practice, M-TOWN is comprehensive elementary school of husband of consign, ease terms begins... . . New property appreciates the opportunity already came, astute investment objectives already nose fortune first machine, sale center is being performed everyday " grab a room " " grab a shop " big fight, fat shop / handle official bussiness / hotel / in sell like hot cakes of product of apartment whole department, high grade asset sells green beautiful center little, investment proceed with is about to take the advantage of now! Miss do not have again!

" greenbelt nave cashs educational form a complete set " elementary school of husband of Nanning city ease virtuous guest campus terms begins

Chief editor: Yellow Sea China

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