" remind " who should 110 insoluble problems look for? Eventually someone says to be clear about c

" remind " who should 110 insoluble problems look for? Eventually someone says to be clear about completely! " remind " who should 110 insoluble problems look for? Eventually someone says to be clear about completely!

"110? My kitten disappears, help me quickly search! Help me quickly search!!

"Our home breaks the uncle net, look how to return a responsibility? Look how to return a responsibility??

"I bought constabulary comrade fake, I should call the police! I should call the police!!


Although say, "Difficulty looks for a police " , but have police of a lot of things helpless really.

Say to everybody today " of constabulary uncle open way correctly " !

These things put in constabulary canal 's charge

Public security is received place alarm limits

? Accept the limits that call the police

1, criminal case;

2, public security case (thing) ;

3, the group sex event that affects order of security of society;

4, rescuing job of rush to deal with an emergency of etc of accident of fire, traffic;

5, mechanism of other need public security deals with to call the police with what illegal crime concerns.

? Accept the limits that appeal

1, happen drown, object the circumstance such as building, suicide, mechanism of need public security tightens emergency treatment hold;

2, the personnel be lost such as old person, children and wisdom barrier personnel, madman, need public security mechanism to be searched in the help inside certain limits;

3, the urgent risk that masses encounters a likelihood to endanger security of person, belongings, be in the isolated state that do not have aid, need instantly of deliverance;

4, the public facilities such as water, report, gas, heat appears danger affection, mechanism of need public security cooperates to concern sectional in advance urgent deal with;

5, the emergency of safety of the minatory and public safety that in advance of mechanism of other need public security deals with and citizen person, belongings.

? Accept complained limits

Examine happening disobeys public security mechanism and its person policeman " law of police of people of People's Republic of China " , " byelaw of superintend of public security mechanism " , " regulations of discipline of police of people of public security body " wait for code and law, people, illegal exercise powers and authorities of office, nonperformance is legal duty, inobservant each execute the law, the service, organization, irregularity that governs system and professional ethics violates age act.

These thing polices are helpless really

Common do not belong to limits of public security duty alarm affection

? Civil administration deliverance kind: Ying Xiangmin political situation appeals

1, roam about, cadge the deliverance of personnel

2, deformity (strand especially) personnel life deliverance

3, abandon a baby

4, mental person

? Road transportation kind: Answer to appeal to municipal management department

1, cave in of bridge of cave in of road surface large area, road

2, road surface has big (gigantic) stone boils fall

3, the taxi collects fees unreasonable

4, black car draws a customer

? The city builds kind: Ying Xiangcheng is in charge of a branch to appeal

1, the management of municipal and public facilities, use, safeguard

2, occupy manage, violate the rules and regulations places booth to establish a point

3, roam about dog

4, life noise

? Other noise pollution kind: Should dial environmental protection hot line 12369 inform against

Industrial noise, construction site noise

? Pipeline do rush repairs kind: Answer to appeal to tap water company

1, conduit conduit attaint

2, the maintenance of fireplug, maintain

? Electric power attempers kind: Answer to appeal to power supply branch

Power facilities (equipment) use, maintenance

? Labor ensures kind: Should appeal to labor department (12333)

1, trouble between labor and management

2, default laborer salary

? Flood prevention directs kind: Should do to flood prevention direct appeal

1, flood prevention

2, mountain torrents calamity

? Sanitation supervises kind:

1, discover food, medicines and chemical reagents has a problem to supervise management board to appeal to food medicines and chemical reagents

2, inform against illegal practise medicine, infection cause, exceed dispute of unripe, medical treatment, and the hospital of mental person requirement that is not cause trouble cause an accident closes treat, answer to be mirrorred to sanitation and family planning branch

? All sorts of dispute:

Economy, debt, marriage is loved wait for dispute to should appeal to the court

? Fake kind: Should mirror to market superintendency bureau, prices bureau (12315)

1, fake commodity

2, protection of consumer rights and interests

3, consumer is complained

4, the price is con

5, pass annul

? Content flows kind:

Content sheds an industry to place the losing of the generation in giving a course or issue, should supervise management department to mirror to postal, market or handle through legal approach

? Other:

1, article loses what go up in taxi, bus or bus car, should carry to traffic bureau the canal is in report of taxi government office or public transportation company to seek a help

2, curtilage dispute of land of bound of base, cropland, domestic matrimonial dispute, should to the town (street) wait for basic level to organize report or handle through legal approach

3, the ATM takes Qian Ka to be swallowed, answer to be mirrorred to bank customer service

4, pet be lost, general article loses, open breakdown of lock, communication, village interior management concerns (the car inside the village is blocked up to wait) it is OK to wait for relevant item appeal to relevant unit or civilian organization

" remind " who should 110 insoluble problems look for? Eventually someone says to be clear about completely!

Although some of thing is not in inside processing limits of the police, but when we have demand police or meeting help us enthusiasticly.

The society has division of labor, branch to have responsibility. At the same time we also hope everybody finite alarm force leaves the person that has need most, let a police go precaution, blow, penalty violates crime, create environment of more safe security of society jointly.

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