Why is the consumer of EBay in slowly prediction of a person's luck in a given year?

Why is the consumer of EBay in slowly prediction of a person's luck in a given year?

Intermediary report says outside, more and more consumer are not willing shop on EBay, because they hope faster get goods, and experience of EBay this field is bad, none strange Yamaxun was become win the home.

EBay was publicized a lot of about " retail level " content, offer such as 30 days to return money to proof selling the home, the service such as good image and free postage, but did not see EBay publicizes morrow consign forever. And a few otherer shopkeeper, be like Next, support buy family belongs day to buy, can deliver goods the following day.

EBay does not accord with the standard of retail delivery rate, this is to buy the home not to devoted to the partial reason of EBay. Of course also the part buys the home to not be eager to getting bought product, and be willing spend time to await. The Mai Jiagen besides this circumstance is taken no account of originally shop on EBay should buy the home to want at some convenience, they can go Yamaxun.

So what issue did EBay give? Before a lot of problems may want restrospect to more than 10 years, and the many decision year ago is affected as before sell the home today's behavior.

EBay rolled out a plan 2012, highlighted the list of Fast & Free. Aleatoric on the world a place, if sell the home to deliver goods freely inside 3 weekday or shorter time, should sell the home goods so qualified obtain a badge.

3 weekday deliver goods and carry freely, development arrives this speed already cannot be regarded as 2018 carry quickly. As the increase sharply that the morrow express of electric commerce industry serves, EBay content flows appear a bit slow.

EBay rolls out date of expiration in order to assist that day or the sells the home to highlight them service that delivers goods the following day, but when quick delivery and 3 carry freely in a few days when obtaining armorial interblend confuse, a bit awkward to EBay.

It is early before 2000, EBay insists to ask much category sells the home to offer carry freely, their reason is the advantage that buys the home to like to mail freely, and benefit at increasing platform credit, but the face that these tasks changed EBay to mail forever, produced a lot of problems when action selling the home is asked compulsively. It reduced the service that sells an almost all on EBay category to offer. Did not sell the home to be able to be offerred freely the following day free deliver goods serves, because they can offer economic postage freely, because this economy delivers goods,means becomes new normal state.

Compulsive and free postage makes EBay is become second-class economic shopping destination, still did not change up to now.

When EBay of the search that buy the home shops, want to find express project to need a take a moment really. Without the search option shows the item that offers express option, what can examine exclusively is fast with free badge project, this moment sells the home to had known content shedding rate is slow.

If buy the home to cannot see selling the home to offer express and fast deliver goods is of no point, consumer can search the congener product that can offer morrow to deliver goods through other way. Buy the home taller and taller to receiving the demand of goods quickly, be opposite so for platform of each big cable business, raise content to spread carriage level crucial.

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