Liu Jiang east the case is complete and reductive: What did meal bureau around produce twice after a

In a week in the past, beijing east chairman of group director bureau holds CEO Liu Jiang concurrently east a few fragmentary detail that are suspected of approaching incident of a female undergraduate in beautiful sex, land add add is announced to come out by insider 〞 of a few 〝 , but because 〝 appeared twice in details of a case,meal bureau 〞 and 〝 call the police twice the complex case of 〞 , make pertinent information appears promiscuous not clear.

Liu Jiang east the case is complete and reductive: What did meal bureau around produce twice after all?

Small make up combed all with Liu Jiang east the gender invades the information related the case, so that make a reader right,the cause and effect of whole thing has a clearer knowledge.

Integrated the information of exposure of before this many global media, liu Jiang east go to the United States this, be run an institute with Minnesota university and Tsinghua university economy 〞 of project of collaboration of doctoral degree program of a certain 〝 (the identity of DBA) student, come to the United States of 〝 aureate 〞 (have person of know the inside story, the likelihood is to mix the graduation card of one Dr. Zhang Meiguo) .

On August 27, liu Jiang east wait with wife, child, mother-in-law family and a certain number of retinue take private plane to be in MSP airport be born, inside a few days later, the activity of a few schools that concerns with this project entered in Minnesota university.

On August 29, liu Jiang east when waiting for one pedestrian to enjoy dinner on Minnetonka lake yacht, experience thing female undergraduate ever appeared on this dinner.

Liu Jiang east the case is complete and reductive: What did meal bureau around produce twice after all?

Explode according to what the insider goes up in the network makings, this schoolgirl just transfer to bright big before long, the likelihood is unripe 〞 of exchange of a 〝 , because be newcome student, have not enter read ring of Yu Ming's big student studying abroad all the year round, because this is very much bright old schoolmate does not know her, so that 〝 has an accident later after 〞 , many bright the undergraduate denies her in post of the hair on the net is bright undergraduate.

Outside estimation, this dinner of 29 days is this schoolgirl just entered Liu Jiang east 〞 of circle of 〝 waiting for a person before long thing, each other still are in know first and the phase of polite 〞 of more sensible 〝 , because this meal bureau does not have what accident,happen.

Late on August 30, liu Jiang east the Japanese dining-room that in the distance one row area of bright senior colonel makes an appointment with 5 fair inside and outside to be called Origami Uptown eats dinner, take the lead in on the network namely the consumed 32 bottles of red wine meal bureau of exposure, namely that meal bureau of 〝 accident 〞 .

The net passes this 〝 rich the meal bureau to this already had female undergraduate of 2 acting 〞 some kind is vigilant, herself is invited designedly before making an appointment with a schoolboy to accompany his, go to attend the banquet.

Eyewitness explodes makings, in this meal bureau, the schoolgirl is in by arrangement Liu Jiang east beside rely on a wall and sit. Be in what cannot follow meaning move so locally, schoolgirl by fill a lot of wine. In repast road, the schoolgirl ever was crying suddenly to run a dining-room.

Liu Jiang east the case is complete and reductive: What did meal bureau around produce twice after all?

There ever was a message to say on the network, liu Jiang east in the tear off inside dining-room the woman's underwear, but this detail can confirm without other circumstantial evidence its are true bogus.

After dinner ends, liu Jiang east carry a schoolgirl to leave with illicit home car. The schoolgirl says, she ever tried to get off not if really, jiangdongdi gives the Liu on the road the public house that brings her to answer her to live, she refused, insist to ask to return the apartment that oneself rent. Liu Jiang east the gender was carried out to invade after sending a schoolgirl to return boarding house.

That evening before dawn was controlled at 2 o'clock about, narrate before go on invitation the man student that meal bureau 〝 protects beautiful 〞 , after be aware the circumstance is discrepant near schoolgirl dormitory, side schoolgirl signed up for alarm.

The first time that this is this violent incident calls the police. Nevertheless, drive schoolgirl dormitory to the inquiry when the police when details of a case, this schoolgirl chose the way of 〞 of 〝 make concessions to avoid trouble however, claiming is 〝 misunderstanding 〞 , 〞 of 〝 have nothing to do, then the thing is appeased temporarily.

Late on August 31, liu Jiang east group is in again holy Paul a famous Italian dining room that makes Pazzalun dines together, schoolgirl here again with Liu Jiang east meet, allegedly the schoolgirl is this to want to look for Liu Jiang east 〝 wants a view 〞 , but Liu Jiang east 〝 should not answer thing 〞 .

That evening, after the schoolgirl calls the police the 2nd times, liu Jiang east be made an appointment with to reach institute of Kaersen government 2 buildings 214, be in that to be able to allow the 4 small classrooms to 6 people only in, liu Jiang east be received alarm and the police that come is captured, at that time already is on September 1 before dawn 1 when the left and right sides.

Liu Jiang east the case is complete and reductive: What did meal bureau around produce twice after all?

According to the report that police publishs, fuzz is received after calling the police suspect Liu Jiang east the time that brings back a police station is before dawn 1 when 36 minutes, after dealing with a series of formalities such as put on record, in order to be suspected of 〝 crime sexual behavior (the reason of Criminal Sexual Conduct) Liu Jiang east temporary take into custody is in distance business school in an about 1.7 miles jail.

On September 1 afternoon 4 when 05 minutes, liu Jiang east be in not the get-off below the circumstance of pay recognizance, the report of police shows this case is in 〝 to already was released, remain to sue (condition of 〞 of RELEASED PENDING COMPLAINT) .

This incident is on the network by exposure hind, appear very quickly on network socialization media the hearsay of an odd, the 〝 sexy net that shows experience thing woman is Jiang of a surname is red 〞 , appear namely subsequently alleged 〝 celestial being jumps the plot of 〞 trap mentions rumor. And the 〝 when this Jiang surnames woman Yi Wei to reach refutes a rumor 〞 , deleted oneself in time to stuck a series of sexy pictures that give on small gain in the past however.

But have very quickly claim 〝 insider 〞 begins to refute a rumor in post of the hair on the network, red Jiang of speak bluntly net is such-and-such be not Liu Jiang east the gender invades the 〝 party of the case 〞 , pointed to to the action of 〞 of 〝 roily water reachs since the occurrence of this woman. Till September 5, some ability is in Jiang Mou oneself are small rich published 〞 of statement of a 〝 , admit oneself do not know Liu Jiang east, not be Liu Jiang east the gender invades the party of the case.

During this, liu Jiang east invited American lawyer Fulidebaige (Joseph Friedberg) ever put a word a few times external, say this case lacks significant evidence, liu Jiang east the possibility that is sued by check Founder type is quite small.

Nevertheless, the bright Buddhist nun that is in charge of this case Abolisi police station (two spokesmans of Minneapolis Police Department) express external early or late, liu Jiang east the case is investigated in follow-up all the time, police does not have the plan that nolle prosequi, at present police can share the public without any official statement.

Local time on September 7 (Zhou Wu) , office of bright county inquisitor is enquired by much home media Liu is strong east after the progress circumstance of the case, affirm external again, police investigation still undertakes 〝 in, without the limitation on time. We are awaiting constabulary report, sue in order to decide. Scarcely can have everything happening today, wait next week to look again. 〞

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