Be him? Daughter Yimoka spoke Telangpu " new York Times " anonymous writer

Be him? Daughter Yimoka spoke Telangpu " new York Times " anonymous writer

Who be after all? Who people insanity guesses just is to wrapping around faceless appearance is in " new York Times " on the author that publishs an article! Suspect and deny those who let American the White House is curule people be full of uneasiness! And in this moment, daughter Yimoka spoke Telangpu " new York Times " anonymous writer.

According to " field of fame and gain " magazine (Vanity Fair) the word report of quote information personage, american president is advisory, be also Telangpu at the same time the daughter's Yimoka? Telangpu thinks, does vice director of general office of the White House make an appointment with writing? Kailike can be in namely " new York Times " on the pseudonymous author that publishs an article.

According to this magazine story, yi Moka says to Telangpu, "It is triumphant benefit is being done inside his presidential tenure of office destroy. " additional, does husband give attention to two or morethings of Telangpu ask Gulide? Kushenna also agrees with Yimoka's view. He also thinks, kailike can be the author of this article.

Be him? Daughter Yimoka spoke Telangpu " new York Times " anonymous writer

Data chart: Triumphant benefit and Telangpu

Why does Yi Moka point to spearhead John Kaili of director of general office of the White House? Because of media of Ceng Xiang of this triumphant benefit " new York Times " complain say, the White House works namely " miserable world " , include him inside, official of a few the White House is considering abdication.

In addition, telangpu is increasing ground one-sided acts, disregard or do not ask the opinion of triumphant benefit at all, this also is meant, triumphant benefit " keep goal person " duty is weakened greatly. And, cruel disposition of Telangpu lets general of this Marine Corps (triumphant benefit) bear hard. Triumphant benefit alleges, oneself never have person manner to speak badly with him so 35 years from course of study. Official of the one government before the name says, triumphant benefit was last year below illicit still call Telangpu " idiocy " .

Be him? Daughter Yimoka spoke Telangpu " new York Times " anonymous writer

Current, is Telangpu asking Jeff of American total chief procurator? Saishensi is in charge of searching in " new York Times " faceless the author that publishs column article. So, this person is who still does not have final final conclusion after all.

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