Liuzhou: Does one man carry water of be in harmony other 6 combine variety 200 run more is the road

Liuzhou: Does one man carry water of be in harmony other 6 combine variety 200 run more is the road chopped?

Via water of be in harmony police investigation is checked, this incident happens in doorway of courtyard of health care of women and children of county of water of be in harmony, because appearance fraise problem has stick to one's position,fasten sea of two SOHOs Chen Mou and Wang Mou, one person is chopped, get hurt person Wang Mou is dangerous without life, had sent cure cure, sea of suspect Chen Mou already was controlled by police. This case police is in the further processing that check.

Dozen be defeated into the hospital, dozen win into prison house, hope everybody writes down this sincerely. Nowadays this society everybody should dispassionate mood, harmony plays, cannot talk things over to be able to adopt legal approach, dao Rong meets to be able to allow a business only more hard wind up.

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