The net borrows platform dispute to collect investment to carry more show difficulty or run road

Collect investment to carry show difficulty

Recently, disturbance of P2P platform incident is ceaseless. 21 days of E fast after because be suspected of absorbing the public illegally to deposit money to be investigated by door of the Ministry of Public Security,be being borrowed,

In 21 days of evening, investor explodes on forum makings say to collect investment from March the last ten-day of a month begins to explode piece carry show difficulty, to now already fast two months, the break a contact of the again and again, besides taking money the earliest to the investor of the spot, great majority April carry do not have Zhang now. The message says the police has gotten involved, customer service already was not contacted.

The net borrows platform dispute to collect investment to carry more show difficulty or run road

21 days morning, collect investment officer net to still can be opened, still have two debt mace of 1 million not collect is finished, newest an announcement was on May 6 those who give out about " the short message is unusual restore " announcement. The data that goes up according to the website shows, collect investment to already joined an user 91, 035, the user invests amount 1.5 billion 47 yuan 33.78 million, user yield 8899 yuan 76.88 million.

Subsequently, small arrange the telephone call of official customer service that calls a website to go up, be hinted " this number of short duration does not provide a service " , and the website is online customer service unmanned also response. Content of date of subscription of official small letter ends on May 19, after this was not updated.

Show according to archives, collect investment to already was carried to show difficulty by mark, its register capital gold 100 million yuan, by collect investment money annals to invest management (Beijing) limited company is made, the company is registered at Beijing Haidian area, website went up formally on March 28, 2014 line, to safeguard trades on the net center and country believe partner of judicatory appraisal center, as online as net silver etc reach collaboration, obtain Baidu to add V attestation, joined consortium of business affairs of electron of committee of job of banking of Internet of Chinese Internet association, China respectively mobile finance only appoint guild of finance of Internet of meeting, China.

Collecting what investment alleges external is to make " platform of financing of conduct financial transactions of investment of mode of professional bonded P2C, industry " , safe principal and interest is ensured. The information of the bid of creditor's rights project on the website shows, the project assures the orgnaization just is achieved for Zong Han be in harmony (Beijing) investment assures limited company, earnings pattern is the payment of interest that press a month, expire repayment of capital, integrated year change interest rate 13% .

Platform controller or run road

Investor explodes makings say, collected investment on May 20 already the person goes the building is empty, begin from March, collect investment platform to carry be less than Zhang tardy now, be in the last ten-day of a month shut tripartite to carry April pay now. In the meantime, beijing peaceful adds up to the company that connect a city to be suspected of collecting money illegally to had been intervened by classics detect.

The net borrows platform dispute to collect investment to carry more show difficulty or run road

And Beijing peaceful adds up to the company that connect a city to invest related company to collect. Collect investment website to show, on December 21, 2015, collect investment and peaceful to close to reach even the city deepness strategy collaboration, both business address is consistent, industrial and commercial information shows delegate of two companies legal person, executive trustee, general manager all is Li Chengjin. Collect investment government data to also show, collect investment to hold the post of president newly to hold peaceful of CEO, Beijing concurrently to add up to CEO of limited company of the investment that connect a city to all be Li Shaoming.

Show according to its official net, company website went up formally on March 28, 2014 line, the parent company collects the annals that throw money to invest management (Beijing) limited company is registered at Beijing Haidian area, register fund 100 million yuan. Data of its official net shows, collect investment to already had 91 thousand user, investment amount exceeds 1.5 billion yuan, platform year change yield to be as high as 16% . Additional, the data shows, collected investment to join consortium of business affairs of electron of committee of job of banking of Internet of Chinese Internet association, China respectively mobile finance only appoint the organization such as guild of finance of Internet of meeting, China.

The Central Bank will be severe check P2P capital to use end

Data shows, up to by April, the whole nation exposes to the sun in all a 1289 problems platform, involves investment number is 244 thousand person, 3.4% what occupy countrywide investor to count, involve loan remaining sum to be 15.43 billion yuan, occupy than for 2.7% . Among them, beijing exposes to the sun in all a 85 problems platform, involves investment number is 17 thousand person, 0.6% what occupy Beijing investor to count, involve loan remaining sum to be 780 million yuan, occupy give 228 problems platform than exposing to the sun in all for 0.3%; Guangdong, involves investment number is 64 thousand person, 4.6% what occupy Guangdong investor to count, involve loan remaining sum to be 5.26 billion yuan, occupy than for 4.9% .

Regard a network as the P2P of leasehold message medium, should join originally borrower and investor, be in however Internet finance is cruel grow today, collect money P2P capital pool, false mark, divert, illegally wait for a problem to highlight. The Central Bank investigates Cheng Songcheng of statistical department director to express when attending forum last weekend, the stress that leasehold statistic monitors the network should be capital uses end.

Disclose according to him, the Central Bank already established the gross count that basically is based on origin end together with association of Chinese Internet banking, specific information is involved use end, include statistical network the circumstance such as number of leasehold amount, pen, number, interest rate, deadline, and the balance sheet that the net borrows platform and information of watch of increase and decrease. According to imagine at present, this working general in installment group by group, begin statistic from academician unit first, till full membership, below the condition that the condition allows, will expand entire network is leasehold platform. The interconnected system of computer science department that association develops gross statistic is initial already build, the first ten days of a month already began to collect partial insider data in May. To ensure statistical level unified, science, the Central Bank strengthened statistical standard research, preliminary and affirmatory capital applies end to be aimed at trade the statistical system of detail, treat the research gain that after editing, will be released stage by stage and extends this respect. Association of Chinese Internet banking suffers the Central Bank to entrust, will specific assume data to collect the job that waits for a respect.

The net borrows platform dispute to collect investment to carry more show difficulty or run road

Net of Asian finance and economics (Http:// is our country the new finance that is a center exclusively with Internet finance information is perpendicular portal website, also be our country the first dedicated the UGC polymerization that gives priority to a problem at public praise of Internet banking product is interactive platform.

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