" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes

" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes

1) with " innovation leads a period, wisdom illumes the life " those who give priority to a problem activity of day of countrywide popular science is synchronous inside countrywide limits 2018 start.

" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes

2) Deng Piao Fang holds the post of incomplete couplet new a honorary president, round chairman of Zhang Haidi preside.

3) [attack continuously " Shan Zhu " ] this year the 22nd typhoon " Shan Zhu " (strong typhoon class) already at 16 days 17 when in river door stage Shan Haiyan town is landed! Near the center when landing the biggest wind-force 14 class (45 meters / second, be equivalent to 162 kilometers / hour) . Stop city instantly, stop city instantly! Guangzhou issues urgent announcement! Shan end billow rolls, shenzhen observatory lightning rod is blown. Suspend air or shipping service of all fronts of channel of city fining jade, shutdown of many construction project. Guangdong Zhan Jiang is entered " No. One alert " defence exceeds strong typhoon " Shan Zhu " .

4) " marine a C " (HY-1C) the satellite checks maritime experiment in course formal sailing.

5) dozenth " Chinese boat is exhibited " will hold in November, much model " of the country heavy implement " will appear first.

6) academy of park of state of 3 rivers source is in the the Chinese Academy of Sciences Xining uncovers a card to hold water.

7) the key makes 100 set an example model senile dining room, hangzhou should let old people eat delicious health.

8) [military affairs] the enterprise will offer 15 thousand post to find a place for in the center of 2018 retire soldier, involve war industry, the sources of energy, communication, liaison man, make, 14 industries such as metallurgy, chemical industry, building, finance, railroad, postal, nicotian, aviation, real estate 123 central enterprises.

9) [HongKong and Macow] be ready in take action of government of Hong Kong special zone, should strong to exceeding typhoon " Shan Zhu " . Harbor bead bay doesn't big bridge reach 17 level " Shan Zhu " ? Chinese atmosphere bureau refutes a rumor.

10) [Taiwan] the 101 square before have Taiwan ground mark to the crowd gathers and hold high of late the Five-Star Red Flag, greeting mainland tourist comes a sightseeing.

" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes

1) " Chinese tourist is thrown by beat up graveyard field " incident add: China is stationed in Swedish embassy to say Xiang Ruifang puts forward solemn and just bargaining for many times. The victim already went back to the motherland. Proposal: Travel should consider culture difference, the old person does not suit to swim thoroughly.

2) quality of science of first world community promotes congress general this month 17 days are in Beijing to hold to 19 days, initiate chasm of quality of science of put an end to, stimulative knowledge achievement and civilization of science and technology are shared for complete mankind.

3) Maduluo: Should promote oily to Hua Yuan export to as soon as possible everyday 1 million pails.

4) Korea expresses to release eventually battle is enunciative it is the first task that compose builds face beautiful each other to believe.

5) Syrian Yi De Libo, numerous the opposition public figure that comes from town of De Libo of Yi of appraise north city and its periphery is held oppose governmental put on a show of force.

6) Brazil meets a presidential candidate Yayier - second operation of Luo Zai of Bo Ersuo accept, return choosing battle is afraid want to defer.

7) Liu Jiang east case or appear " invert " , american check just may be not sued, but police still is in investigation.

8) outside intermediary: Telangpuke can change after American metaphase election the base of a fruit of defense minister horse this.

" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes

1) Xinhua News Agency sees Chinese economy from newest data: Overall and smooth, firm in to good. People's Daily: Let inside need to become economy to develop advocate engine.

2) economic data produced heat in August, debt of folk of response of national statistic bureau, prices rises wait for heat: Main index is overall and stable, economic structure continues to optimize, obtain employment is total keep stable, company profit growth is rapidder.

3) live build a department: Fry the building city chaos such as the room to be investigated one case together like discovery to the spec.

4) agricultural country ministry: Departmental door should do good Africa swine fever to prevent jointly control the job.

5) price of natural gas of dweller of the attune on much ground, the expert predicts winter supply and demand still hasten is close.

" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes

1) " Beijing literature " push special issue of novel of bear the palm of award of literature of the 7th Lu Xun, by at ordinary times 208 pages substantially enlarge comes 300 pages, 15 yuan of prices are changeless. Our country teenage myopia leads the world the first, prevent dominate teenage myopic demand immediate attention.

2) 350 Gu Xila " precious of marine involuntary discharge of urine " appear on the Imperial Palace, greek exhibit with day cultural relic of the Imperial Palace.

3) Zhu Xu of artist of modern drama performance dies because of lung cancer, lord child Zhu Xu sky sees.

4) one of 4 big grotto of our country real name of try out of area of scene of Mai Jishan grotto is made buy a ticket, hole area is daily be restricted to make work 6400 pieces of entrance ticket.

5) 2018 Japan badminton makes public contest to mix double final: Huang Yaqiong of Zheng Saiwei / gains the championship. Plum of marathon of Beijing of happiness of 2018 an ancient name for China is become seize domestic champion. 1-3 of Chinese male platoon loses Canada 3 be defeated repeatedly.

" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes

1) Beijing is clear each area PM2.5 improved index 2020. 41836 people of Beijing sign up " new department is taken an examination of " , department throughout the country is the biggest check an area independently, among them the age is 70 the biggest years old. Beijing will shed 3 armour hospital in male An Jianyi, after building, by Xuan Wu the hospital is undertaken administrative.

2) Shanghai mayor Ying Yong: The suburb is to carry out what countryside revitalizes the strategy to stand for war. Award of Shanghai mayor quality and city quality gold prize are announced. Shanghai " run " into entrance exposition " develop thorn period finally " . Shanghai international travel goes vacationing the area imports exposition to receive farther deploy guarantees the job. Shanghai: Life rubbish classification will have code hard tie.

3) 150 thousand teachers and students of Guangzhou undertake air defence drilling. Lamplight show is rolled out before Shenzhen National Day.

4) Harbin is administered " mad old freight car " , super- be restricted to even more 3 times revoke operation certificate. Dalian rolls out 13 environmental protection to examine and approve reform to promote efficiency, when save worry, be economical, province. Chongqing starts green garden area and green factory to maintain, one-time award 500 thousand yuan, 200 thousand yuan.

5) a variety of anticarcinogen bring into cure to protect, shaanxi: Anticarcinogen depreciates policy be born is phonic. Conference of big data of multimedia of international of the 4th IEEE is held in Xi'an. Course of study of Anhui compasses go to work increased a value to grow 9.6% August, house whole nation the 4th.

6) on September 17 08 when to 18 days 08 when, the typhoon affects and other places of Hua Nagui city. And other places of coastal, Hong Kong, Macao has the eastpart part of Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangdong to arrive greatly rainstorm, among them, the partial area of and other places of the south in wide cc ministry, Guizhou has big torrential rain (100 ~ 160 millimeter) .

" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes

1) have Yu Jian head. Needle of small, tooth, life is in proposal choosing build the fish of cold water area. Female pregnancy edible the 3 article fish, tuna fish that contains a lot ofgrease, development of competence of beneficial and fetal intelligence, conduct, eyesight.

2) often laugh conduce reduces force of immunity of pressure, promotion, make thinking becomes nimbler. Should interact with the person that has sense of humor more, receive positive sentiment. (the home of Feng stationmaster)

Make: Gong Rui

" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes" news fast give " on September 17 news 3 minutes
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