Is small Long Nv in associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous

We understand next origianl work to describe about this paragraph first:

Her night looks matter as daytime, do not see one thing unexpectedly right now, double before eye blindfolded with cloth to the person, along with become aware somebody piece the arm held him in arms. When this person photograph is held in the arms, first when very cowardly, gradually bold later licentious.

Is small Long Nv in associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct was raped by Yin Zhiping?

Small Long Nv is aghast without already, be about to wait for dehisce and breathe out, suffer from talking around is moved hard, but become aware that person with buccal photograph, kiss him cheek. At the beginning of her when only is Ou Yangfeng is applied suddenly brutal, but during be being touched with posture of that person face, become aware his face glazing slips however, be not Ou Yangfeng definitely all over the face Qiu beard. Swing in her heart, jing dread goes gradually, passional dark unripe, the heart thinks original Yang Guo this child makes fun of however I.

Become aware only his both hands more and more not custom, slowly for ungird of him take off your coat, small Long Nv cannot move, be obliged to hold the post of its place to be, can't help surprise, bashful, dan Jiaoyang crosses close to personal close pity love, long for 2 people to change only as one, can't help mind drifts, all of body and mind is drunk.

Is small Long Nv in associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct was raped by Yin Zhiping?

Such cases are very clear!

Small Long Nv thinks is Yang Guo, do not revolt not only, and cooperate actively still!

What does this kind of clue calculate, should calculate adultery!

Later, yi Zhiping of small dragon female eavesdrop and his senior fellow apprentice speak, just was informed oneself to be profaned.

Say normally, be informed this kind of circumstance, small Long Nv should one sword killed Yi Zhiping. Strange is, the manner of small Long Nv, just far following. Both neither kills him, also do not let off him.

Is small Long Nv in associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct was raped by Yin Zhiping?

Be afraid in psychology of small Long Nv, also be to cannot face all these.

Come oneself had broken a body, do not know how to face Yang Guo, be inferior to borrowing the excuse that chases after the annals that kill Yi to make the same score, be far from Yang Guo.

2 come, this destroyed the person of own body, also do not know how to be handled.

Do not know to press China present law, how should be Yi Zhiping sentenced! Should capital punishment, and still carry out immediately the sort of, small after all Long Nv can be the goddess of a lot of people.

Is small Long Nv in associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct was raped by Yin Zhiping?
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