Liu talking about a city is such-and-such " van is helped " release false information, half an yea

The person such as some is the Liu Mou that talks about a city seek profit, in " van is helped " release false content to spread information, use car of small letter collection advocate after information is expended, help each other black. Birthday smooth police passes investigation, liu Mou the person such as some is captured bring to justice. Time of half an year, liu is such-and-such wait for a person bilk is procurable more than 500, experience record amount is close 200 thousand yuan.

Liu talking about a city is such-and-such " van is helped " release false information, half an year is cheated 200 thousand!

Liu Mou the person such as some is captured to bring to justice.

Release false information, information cost breaks couplet in one's hand

"Van is helped " it is an APP software that provides information of supply of goods, convenient consignor and truck driver master business information in time. Some has Shou Guang's Sun Mou oneself van, look for supply of goods through this software at ordinary times. According to Sun Mou some introduces, the introduction inside course of study delivers goods information collects fees attribute common phenomenon. This year July, intermediary of surname of a Liu contacts Sun Mou some, bilateral relevant matters concerned reachs consensus. Later, sun Mou some turns with small letter Zhang gives the other side cost of 500 yuan of information, be pulled by the other side unexpectedly black. Realize be cheated, some signed up for Sun Mou alarm.

From this year since July, public security bureau of birthday smooth city receives many truck driver call the police, they all say somebody is used " van is helped " software platform releases false content to spread information, bilk information is expended.

Classics investigation, guilty suspect commits the crime gimmick be exactly the same, every time bilk information cost differs to 500 yuan from 200 yuan. Receive alarm hind, height of public security bureau of Shou Guang city takes seriously, organize gumshoe group, net to install group, synthesis to fight instantly the center undertakes grinding sentencing an analysis to the case. Via preliminary investigation, it is same gang place certainly.

Via be being investigated with all possible means, 5 criminals all are captured

Through the much work that feel a platoon, the mobile area that police lock decided guilty suspect is talk about urban Shen county.

In August the first ten days of a month, group of gumshoe of public security bureau of birthday smooth city assembles keen-witted and capable force, combine policeman of article home police station, drive toward talk about urban Shen county, cooperate to fall in local police, liu Mou in degree of one false village some waits for personnel of 4 experience case to seize. For what guilty gang provides identity information a criminal give himself up to the police of Tang Mou billows confesses his crime.

Via checking, liu Mou the average per capita such as some is person talking about a city, ceng Gan crosses content to shed the business that distributes money, distribute money to content shedding this group course of study understands very much. To seek profit illegally, the person such as some captures Liu Mou a lot of cars advocate disrelish " van is helped " APP software collects fees exorbitant the psychology that is eager to searching supply of goods again, false content is released to spread information in platform, use fee of information of small letter collection, collect fees after the success, guilty suspect the car advocate pull black.

Experience record amount is close 200 thousand, 5 suspects already by punishment arrest

According to policeman introduction, because be cheated number is not large, the driver that be cheated chooses to call the police rarely, cause a suspect to commit the crime hair of case of the ability after half an year. Via checking, the policeman discovers from Feburary 2018 since the bottom, suspect Liu is such-and-such gang waiting for a person commits the crime, procurable more than 500, experience record amount is close 200 thousand yuan.

Here, the policeman reminds a car advocate, the of all kinds information that releases on gregarious to waiting in APP of website, mobile phone media and software, not credulous, also do not add small letter of the other side at will, lest divulge individual identity information.

On September 16, the reporter learns, liu Mou the person such as some already was detained by criminal, at present the case is in further investigation.

Reporter Zhang Shaohua

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