Invite star of big shop sign to act in a play meet with refus! Zhou Xing gallop bully gas answers he

Zhou Xing gallop it is the person that moviedom has force most, so old come, the person that wants him to invite only can be accepted basically, even if be the person of again big shop sign, also dare not refuse. But when Zhou Xing gallop when inviting this big shop sign to star, she however " make fun of big shop sign " refuse directly and say to want to wait for ability one year to be free.

Invite star of big shop sign to act in a play meet with refus! Zhou Xing gallop bully gas answers her 5 words

Zhou Xing gallop the star of this big shop sign that should invite is Sun Yan appearance. Sun Yan appearance is a singer, he is likely now fame is not so big. But a few years that when just went out in her, she is bright red big violet. Her fame is as homonymic as the Zhou Jielun at that time also at that time. The media at that time says " male have Zhou Jielun, female have Sun Yan appearance " go describing her. Have such name, of course Zhou Xing gallop want to invite her to act in a play.

Invite star of big shop sign to act in a play meet with refus! Zhou Xing gallop bully gas answers her 5 words

Zhou Xing gallop the psychology at that time is early want to invite Sun Yan appearance to act in a play, but however suffer from contacts means without hers all the time. And they begin to contact truly, namely in first gear on program of put together art, draw a line by compere.

Invite star of big shop sign to act in a play meet with refus! Zhou Xing gallop bully gas answers her 5 words

It is on program of put together art, interview Sun Yan appearance technically this. But to add the viewing rate, atmosphere that drives the spot. At this moment attendant compere, dialed Zhou Xing actively gallop phone. It is such Sun Yan appearance mix Zhou Xing gallop had connection.

Invite star of big shop sign to act in a play meet with refus! Zhou Xing gallop bully gas answers her 5 words

Zhou Xing gallop know Sun Yan appearance is in program spot is very happy chatted to rise with her. When chatting to act in a play, zhou Xing gallop say to her, want early to invite her to act in a play, want her to come over now. Zhou Xing gallop invite personally, believe star of a lot of big shop signs can agree instantly. But unexpected, sun Yan appearance rejected Zhou Xing namely gallop. Sun Yan looks expresses to say to want Zhou Xing at that time gallop wait for her one year to just be free.

Invite star of big shop sign to act in a play meet with refus! Zhou Xing gallop bully gas answers her 5 words

Sun Yan appearance

To Sun Yan appearance this one " make fun of big shop sign " behavior, very may much person thinks Zhou Xing gallop can get angry, but Zhou Xing gallop do not have however. Still use firm tone bully gas answered Sun Yan appearance " wait how many years " these 5 words.

Of Sun Yan appearance this one " make fun of big shop sign " behavior, zhou Xing gallop fulfiling one's promise however go waiting for him, this is additional actually those who have a reason.

Invite star of big shop sign to act in a play meet with refus! Zhou Xing gallop bully gas answers her 5 words

The likelihood is in eye of a lot of people, zhou Xing gallop it is a tacit person, but actually Zhou Xing gallop be a very facetious person. In chatting this of appearance with Sun Yan, zhou Xing gallop be to use joking mood to talk all the time. He often says Sun Yan appearance is beautiful female, sing Orphean. So to Sun Yan appearance should wait one year, he said how many years to wait.

And of Sun Yan appearance this " make fun of big shop sign " , not be to make fun of big shop sign absolutely, be in with Zhou Xing gallop when the dialog, she is very happy also. And reject Zhou Xing gallop, say to want to wait for ability one year to be free, this is she needs to rest one year really time.

And they did not cooperate however finally, can be to say only regrettablly.

Invite star of big shop sign to act in a play meet with refus! Zhou Xing gallop bully gas answers her 5 words

Hearsay week star gallop disposition is dissocial, have a problem, and he speaks to this paragraph of fun of Sun Yan appearance, boast she is beautiful female sing Orphean, believe a lot of people can are opposite again his disposition has anew knew.

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