Folktale: Rainfall of privately of the Dragon King by behead! Reincarnation of 3 dragon blood grows

A child sees play chess every day, come every time, crouch to look solely aside not utter sth. After a year, that child sees light of old Taoism priest is defeated by a chess, tell Taoist priest to say: "You take this one step, mount a horse. " the child is worn repeatedly old Taoism priest pointed to 3 paces, 3 paces chess goes, beat old monk. Old monk breaks up to see this child soon, the heart thinks, this child is fierce. Issued a dish again later, that asks the child again when old Taoism priest is defeated quickly: "Do you see this pace step how go? " the child told him again.

This day, the child points to a few dishes, old Taoism priest wins a few dishes, the chess falls, the child left.

Old Taoism priest says to old monk: "I see this child look, also unlike is our village, after the chess is over below we tomorrow, see him go toward which. " the following day, the chess is placed, the child came again, waited to receive chessboard, the child left, old Taoism priest and this old monk follow him, see the where on him only. From temple half lis have an abyss, see the child was plunged into directly only go in. Two people guess old Taoism priest and old monk search, this child is pluvial celestial being definitely, two people discuss, beg him to rain the following day.

The following day, they placed a chess again, wait for a child to come only. The child arrives, old monk and old Taoism priest fell on his knees by the nest. Child one Jing, say: "Both of you dry what is this? " old monk and old Taoism priest say: "Beg you! There already are 34 years to did not rain here, drought gets careless seed to disappear. Without giving thought to how, you issue a rain to me. " the child looks, bad to was concealed, say: "This place is original this drought 5 years, now ability drought 3 years, want to rain, if let an immortal know, I must sentence capital crime. " old monk and old Taoism priest fall on his knees again say: "Beg you, must think way to this place. Otherwise, the person won'ted do with respect to work. " the child looks, 2 people fall on his knees press one's suit, do not agree to rise. Say: "Both of you from here circumference delimits it is a bound 5 lis, I give every bits of illicit rain. Nevertheless, issue rain, but cannot godly, inside these 5 lis of roads if have one person godly, I with respect to die. " old monk and old Taoism priest 1000 favour 10 thousand after withering, arrive inside 5 lis of roads each each announce, rain forbid godly. Wait for announce to fall, if really issued rain, na Yu is incompact not slow, divide evenly of the right consistency is smooth, do not blow, not thundery, issue Debuduo not little also.

Inside these 5 lis of roads, have a mountain, on the hillside, living woman two, point to kind of place hilly area to make a living. When the announce below old monk and old Taoism priest, give this forgot. This day, this woman two saw this good rain, the heart thinks, this God be merciful, like very much in the heart, become a woman call a son to bought a place joss sticks and candles is godly. This one godly never mind, the child should meet with the disaster of decapitate.

This day, the child is urgent 3 fire 4 ground running to blame old monk to say: "You look, call you every family complete announce is not godly, still have godly. " this ability remembers old monk and old Taoism priest suddenly, forgot a hillside to go up that. They fall on their knees hastily, say: "Complain me to won't handle affairs. " the child says: "Complain you washed-up also, I sentence capital crime is to run not know clearly. I sentence capital crime is to run not know clearly..

Taoist priest asks: "Still a little method? " the child says: "Other measure was done not have, you hear a few my words. " Taoist priest says, "You say. "You say..

The child says: "You clean temple courtyard clean, buy a new big pot, full clear water is put in the basin, tomorrow morning the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 3 quarter, you are defending big basin to be not moved, 3 blood drop enters big basin.

In those days, I already died. You you east house paste is severe, go in big end the lock comes. After 100 days, you open the door to look again, I with respect to ask someone else to do what is asked of one. " old monk and old Taoism priest act accordingly rapidly. The 3rd day of the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 3 quarter, if really see 3 blood drop enters big basin, they hurry big Duan Jindong house, lock up house door. Such, passed 100 days, just open the door, see there is a child in the basin, they wrap the child hastily on held in the arms rise. But, can bonze and Taoism priest raise this child how? The thing is fortunately also, zhuang Xi head has an old wet nurse that the surname closes, her husband died, without without female, give the child close old wet nurse to feed.

The child is big, close old wet nurse to send him to go to school. The child is very clever, study it may not be a bad idea, the teacher likes him very much. Leave him to teach him Xi Wu in the evening. Time is like an arrow, in an instant the child grows, about very handsome, teacher and close old wet nurse to like awfully more.

One day, the teacher goes out occupied, nobody provided the student, hit frame come. The child that closes wet nurse hits a the dead, one the dead, the child very fear, ran away. This escapes, full a day of one night, the highroad dare not go, take hill course completely. Endured two days of hunger, come to a hillside.

Look, there is a careless house on the hillside, there is a light of old wet nurse in careless house next spinning, after he goes in, old wet nurse asks him: "What person are you? " the child says: "Solid do not hide the truth from you, aunt, because I fight with the classmate, hit a the dead, fear quite, run. Run..

Old wet nurse sees him blame honesty, very pitiful also him. Say: "See the bloodstain of your this a suit, wash scour off quickly in the spring of the eastern side. I this has clothes, wash change. " the child has thanked an old person, take old wet nurse to give the clothing that make, go to east went. Went to be less than 20 paces, see as expected in front have a spring, he takes off next dresses to plunge in water, from the top down washs the body neatly, change the dress to return home of old wet nurse. Old wet nurse saw him come, pointing to a wall to say: "There is a mirror above that, go quickly illuminating illuminate. " the child stands before past lens, was stupefied, original became flush with anger from the face, beard also grows very longly.

Old wet nurse laughed, say: "Nevered mind, your appearance changed. " say, place meal to the child, eat a meal, let his go to bed rest again slept.

Child shut-eye awakes, goggle look, old wet nurse disappeared, see oneself again, sleeping on a stone, after he rises 4 look, also lose sight of a person, continue to hurry on with one's journey again.

A day, he goes to a market town, see what one swarm person is looking round a big stone. Original, this is covering a well below stone greatly, saying is who wants to be able to lift this big stone, show a well, cut fleshy one party, treat stone again on the side, have flesh of one a carring pole really. He knows he follows a teacher fierce of literature of be used to is old, kongfu won't waste, lift this stone be nothing difficult.

Then, before pulling an arm to walk up, come. Everybody looked a blush big fellow, automatic dodge road. He walks up, two tactics falls to be put toward big stone, lift big stone at a draught old far, wanted a bucket again, carry on one pail of water from the well, murmur murmur is drunk, stretch his hand to carry flesh of that a carring pole.

The individual drags him hastily, "How do you carry whole load flesh? Say to cut fleshy one party obviously. " blush big fellow says: "You say one party, can not say how many jins. " two people made a noise to rise. Making a noise, came again a person says: "Make a noise what, I give mediatory and mediatory. I give mediatory and mediatory..

Then, two people said respective reason again. This person says: "Did not contend for, I visit this blush brother not bad, our 3 people do obeisance to a younger brother of my dear brother. " 3 people listen, be willing, instantly did obeisance to brother.

That mediatory person is Liu Bei, the person that pulls blush Chinese is Zhang Fei. Blush Chinese knows he is to close wet nurse place to raise, say the surname closes naturally, call him Guan Yu.

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