What why be a brand is substaintial?

Recently, one well-known lawyer because " the train changes a shop to have feeling " small gain was introduced to where the wind and the waves are highest. This lawyer is taking two children to take a train, he bought 2 pieces of upper berths. After getting on a car, he begins to look for a person to discuss to change a lower berth. Around is rejected by two schoolboys, after the event, this small gain has the lawyer of near 2 million vermicelli made from bean starch, wrote " the train changes a shop to have feeling " , criticized the man student that is not willing to change a shop.

Before lawyer dispatch, can think the netizen should stand in probably " taking the child to lie weak force " oneself here. Like that, this, he sufferred Diss of on 10 thousand netizens.

What why be a brand is substaintial?

I want to say this thing, because, old before once also somebody looks for me to change lower berth, you are guessed, was I changed?

What is changing the essence that spreads up and down, had you thought?

I had thought, because once somebody looks for me to change, the my very careful essence that has considered this issue.

Alleged and substaintial, it is the most essential most fundamental property, sure it is an option with the heaviest weight, so sure it is exclusive.

Is the essence that the upper berth changes lower berth to promote the spirit that find pleasure to help others? I think is not. This option I think is not weight is the heaviest, so I do not consider as essence.

The essence that I think the upper berth changes lower berth is: "The exchange of commodity " , it is action of a kind of market.

This kind of behavior, the character that changes gem with the silk on the Silk Road before chiliad is same, it is economic behavior.

What why be a brand is substaintial?

This thing is very simple, upper berth price is the cheapest, be placed in the middle is spread in, lower berth is the most expensive. And the essence of the lower berth in going up is " commodity " , it is a kind of plain code those who mark a price " commodity " .

I use a hand in brand-new IP8 changes your hand in brand-new IPX, are you changed? Your substantially can say: "Do not change " .

Next I say: "The price difference between IP8 and IPX I am OK supply you, are you changed? " after you think a little while, substantially can say: "Do not change " .

Next I say again: "Price difference supply you, why be changed? " after you think a little while, substantially can say: "Reason of it doesn't matter, changed also advantage of it doesn't matter, dry should change you? Dry should change you??

Yes, namely such, do not change, because there is a concept to cry on behavior economics,be " the loss is detested (Loss Averrsion) " .

This principle points out, be opposite face to face " good luck and risk coexist " when the situation, we are detested to losing exceed pair of acquisition gratification. It can be gone to by promotion even more general situation: We exceed pair of successful longing to unsuccessful fear.

In " think, fast with slow " in this book, daniel · Ka Niman introduced a classical test:

We are defeated simply through casting coin to decide win. If on openly face, you are defeated by me 100 yuan; If turn over look out to go up, you win me 150 yuan. Are you willing to bet?

What why be a brand is substaintial?

We can think this is betted bureau. Be defeated by winning probability is respectively 50% , if you want to bet, expecting earnings will be - 50%=25 of × of 100 × 50%+150 yuan. That is to say, if we bet 10 thousand repeatedly, you can win 250 thousand yuan on average probably, very good deal.

However present problem is to bet only, once was defeated by you,meet play away 100 yuan. Of course, winning word can win more, however you are facing risk losing money after all.

If the thinking means according to capitalist, this is betted bureau be equal to take 100 yuan of investment at you, its are average profit margin is 25% . How many capital can say like Marx in that way for this profit " more active " ?

The psychologist of world each district once looked for different crowd to had done this test countless times, or of this experiment aberrant, conclusion is same: Great majority person is not willing to risk this risk.

Actually, want to persuade most person to agree to bet, you must bet winning get one's own back to raise 200 yuan. That is to say, in people memory, the loss is mixed 100 yuan it is euqally important to win 200 yuan.

This still is 89 yuan penny only. Do not have funds of how many scientific research commonly considering psychologist, they had not made bet probably is 1 million yuan large-scale experiment, but what we can make clear is: People can ask a higher return rate.

People spends 9 yuan of Qianmaiming very gladly to know probability of win a prize in a lottery the very low, lottery that anticipates income is negative number, but once ante increases, even if anticipate income is, also have bravo only capitalistic perhaps ability is willing to play.

What why be a brand is substaintial?

See here, you should understand, lower berth is spread than going up originally expensive, want to change lower berth with the upper berth, on the foundation that did not compensate price difference, people should suffer very big " the loss is detested " .

Although compensated fluctuation to spread the price difference between, also can't make up for " the loss is detested " , because win,150 yuan anticipation can not make up for the anguish that is defeated by 100 yuan. So, although filled price difference, the person of lower berth still should bear " the loss is detested " .

Want to change lower berth with the upper berth, besides should fill besides price difference, still need additional compensation to come fill " the loss is detested " what cause " psychological blemish " , how much is additional compensation? I do not know, if be me, may add valence 100-200 yuan.

A problem before can replying now, somebody looks for me to change lower berth, do I change him?

The answer is " not " . In those days I did not change him, the look that and the somebody in railroad car is cast to me will despise.

Feeling such, I just remember profundity, I ability deepness ponders over this problem.

Somebody does not agree with my view certainly, can this problem spend money only solve? Where is our morality? Where is the goodness of our the Chinese nation?

It is not strange to have this kind of idea, after all the lawyer thinks so namely, so he ability dispatch criticizes those two male.

Morality is very important, but the solution that is not what thing is consider morality for a short while, the cost serious offence that handles an issue when morality is other plan when, morality is not optimal program.

For instance the upper berth changes lower berth, using economic shift and economics thinking just is optimum solution.

After two days, the lawyer delivered small gain of the apology, the cost that also proved to solve this problem with morality from flank is huge.

What why be a brand is substaintial?

We buy any goods, not be the functional sex requirement that satisfies us merely absolutely, using commodity him recognize however, satisfy oneself psychological requirement.

For instance, upper berth and lower berth, actually the sheet bedding on the train is same, the pillow also is same, but we sleep lower berth is the feeling wants bright to sleep to spread too.

"Bright " , it is psychology is satisfied.

A great brand, it is the expression that sells dot and interest to the product not just, it is to speak user aspirations more, express idea of the affection of the user, life and viewpoint of value, the place in the heart thinks of place to want.

These, it is the mentation of the user.

It is early before 3000, ancient Greek Deerfei is engraving a such oracle on the lintel of fane -- " person ah! Know yourself. Know yourself..

Socrates loves to teach his student with this word most, and the account that according to Europe root Ni Laer writes, does somebody ask Tailesi " business of the what on the world is accomplished the hardest? " he answers: "Know yourself. "Know yourself..

In fact, today our great majority behavior, consume especially, it is for the proof " who am I " , and to pursue the ego in ideal (" I want to who become " ) .

Make transmission to us so, do sale to tell, should write down sincerely from beginning to end --

Consumer cares you what to sell far from, you are what product, consumer cares him himself only. Also be to buy a goods not just, buy a dream however. Go up too the life in the dream, turn ideal into medium ego. What why be a brand is substaintial?

Be able to bear or endure the gram is again good sneaker, if of from morning till night say oneself are " sneaker brand leader " , so be able to bear or endure Ke Yongyuan cannot be become be able to bear or endure gram, because this is " the interest appeals to beg " , stay in functional level only.

Should be able to bear or endure only the gram is advocated " Just Do It " when, be able to bear or endure overcome what just can say to be able to bear or endure, because this is a kind of concept, be psychological level, this kind of concept is telling you, "Who are you " !

Remy Martin is again good wine, if from morning till night says he is " leader brand of Gan Yi " , so Remy Martin cannot become Remy Martin forever, because this is " the interest appeals to beg " , stay in functional level only.

Cry when Remy Martin only piece " Remy Martin, lucky nature comes " when, the humanness lead horse that Remy Martin ability weighs, because because this is a kind of concept, be psychological level, this kind of concept is telling you, "Who are you " !

What why be a brand is substaintial?

Lower berth is commodity on, the exchange of commodity should be used substantially " economics thinking " , wanting the backside that knows exchange is " the loss is detested " mentation, we should pay close attention to psychology.

Of the brand make be functional interest not just substantially appeal to beg, it is consumer is used more affirm ego, the process of contented psychology, so we should pay close attention to psychology.

Brand, build dream plant namely actually, this ability is the essence of the brand!

I am rice, author of course of study of tea of ceremony a hunderd schools, do not call me small make up, I am an author, you are a reader, so simple. Why should you read the article of rice? Rice helps you solve 3 problems, to who to sell? How to sell? Where to sell? If you have a project to want to be discussed with rice, can leave a message to me.

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