Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August

Dispatch occupied Chinese net finance and economics on September 20 message of website of national post office, national post office announces announcement of condition of appeal of consumer of postal in August 2018 industry. The result shows, handled consumer appeal in all in August 119942, satisfaction of job of processing of significant to postal management department appeal leads customer for 98.9 % .

One, overall condition

August 2018, national post office and each province (area, city) postal management board is passed " 12305 " phone of appeal of postal industry consumer and appeal of consumer of manage of appeal website coexist 119942. 5135 when postal service issue involves in appeal, 4.3% what take total appeal amount; Involve express to serve 114807 of the problem, 95.7% what take total appeal amount.

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%

In accepted appeal significant appeal (of certain business liability) it is 4655, than going up year of the corresponding period drop 67.1% . 429 when postal service issue involves in significant appeal, 9.2% what have effect appeal amount; Involve express to serve 4226 of the problem, 90.8% what have effect appeal amount.

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%

Consumer appeal all is depended on lawfully compasses did intercessory processing, redeem pecuniary loss for consumer 5.202 million yuan. August, satisfaction of job of processing of significant to postal management department appeal leads customer for 98.9% , significant to postal company appeal treats satisfactory rate for 97.8% , significant to express business appeal treats satisfactory rate for 98.1% .

In August, the company turns to postal management department the appeal that handle fails to press what specified time limits replies to have 10, with photograph of the corresponding period was compared last year reduce 7.

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%

2, circumstance of postal service appeal

(One) consumer is right circumstance of appeal of postal service issue

In August, consumer is right appeal of postal service issue 5135, annulus comparing drops 1.3% , grow 6.3% compared to the same period.

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%

In August, consumer is to the main problem of postal service appeal deliver service, mail loses lack and mail incur loss through delay, occupy appeal gross respectively 41.1% , 18.3% with 16.0% . Consumer to postal service appeal annulus compares the problem to grow deliver service issue is small only, grow compared to the same period bigger is mail mars a problem.

(2) consumer is effective to postal service issue appeal circumstance

In August, consumer is effective to postal service issue appeal 429, annulus comparing drops 8.9% , drop compared to the same period 48.1% .

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%

In August, consumer is effective to postal service the main problem of appeal is deliver service and mail lose lack, have effect appeal gross respectively 49.2% with 21.9% . Annulus of significant to postal service issue appeal compares consumer of growth have violate compasses collect fees and mail incur loss through delay and close send a service, all have compared to the same period drop apparently.

3, express serves appeal situation

(One) consumer serves issue appeal situation to express

In August, consumer serves issue appeal to express 114807, annulus comparing drops 1.8% , drop compared to the same period 1.1% .

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%

(2) consumer is effective to express service issue appeal circumstance

In August, consumer is effective to express service issue appeal 4226, annulus comparing drops 6.7% , drop compared to the same period 68.2% .

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%

In August, the main problem that consumer serves significant appeal to express is express and deliver service, missing lack and express incur loss through delay, have effect appeal gross respectively 38.8% , 22.9% with 17.4% .

Annulus of significant to express service issue appeal compares consumer of growth era closes payment for goods, express mar, violate compasses collect fees and express mar, take the place of only compared to the same period receive payment for goods to grow somewhat.

(3) consumer is right circumstance of express company appeal

In August, satisfaction of processing of significant to express business appeal leads customer (consumer is effective to express business appeal processing is satisfactory a number and express business are significant of appeal gross than) for 98.1% , under the whole nation average and significant appeal handles the express business of satisfactory rate to have 7; Appeal of countrywide express service is led (a number that express business produces appeal problem in every 1 million portfolio) for 27.99, the express industry that average appeal of prep above whole nation leads has 12; Countrywide express serves significant appeal to lead (a number that express business produces significant appeal problem in every 1 million portfolio) for 1.03, the express industry that average and significant appeal leads prep above whole nation has 14.

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%

(4) each province (area, city) express serves appeal situation

In August, consumer is saved to each (area, city) satisfaction of job of significant appeal processing leads postal management department (significant to postal management department appeal treats customer the job is satisfactory a number and end a case of postal management department are effective of appeal gross than) for 98.9% , under the whole nation average and significant appeal handles the area of satisfactory rate to have 8; Each province (area, city) express service appeal is led (business of place province express receives what appeal problem produces in dropping portfolio 1 million times every a number) for 14.05, the area that average appeal of prep above whole nation leads has 19; Each province (area, city) express serves significant appeal to lead (business of place province express receives what significant appeal problem produces in dropping portfolio 1 million times every a number) for 0.52, the area that average and significant appeal leads prep above whole nation has 18.

Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%Satisfaction of processing of nearly 120 thousand jobs leads appeal of consumer of postal in August industry 98.9%
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