In armour is newest and integral a list of names posted up: Force of Wuhan eminent Er captures Zheji

Beijing time is medium on September 19 armour league matches the 24th round spread out contention in the round, battle of focus of a head of a list of names posted up by a list of names posted up the Wuhan eminent Er of first advocate field is right a Zhejiang green city. Match of ultimate all those present ends, wuhan eminent Er advocate green city of Zhejiang of field 1-0 conquer, brave seizes 3 minutes! Run with be being gotten 49 minutes integral a list of names posted up!

In armour is newest and integral a list of names posted up: Force of Wuhan eminent Er captures Zhejiang green city,

Green city of Zhejiang of 1-0 of Wuhan eminent Er

First half the 18th minute, player of Wuhan eminent Er Peideluo - Runiaoer takes the lead in team obtains a goal! Green city of banner Zhejiang of 1-0 of Wuhan eminent Er.

In armour is newest and integral a list of names posted up: Force of Wuhan eminent Er captures Zhejiang green city,

First half ends, green city of banner Zhejiang of 1-0 of Wuhan eminent Er!

In armour is newest and integral a list of names posted up: Force of Wuhan eminent Er captures Zhejiang green city,

Easy edge of the second half again battle, the match the 86th minute, wuhan eminent Er launchs attack, shoot outside forbidden zone finally regrettablly only slanted, the distance is poor so little! Wuhan Zhuo Er continues green city of 1-0 banner Zhejiang.

In armour is newest and integral a list of names posted up: Force of Wuhan eminent Er captures Zhejiang green city,

Match of ultimate all those present ends, wuhan eminent Er advocate green city of Zhejiang of field 1-0 conquer, brave seizes 3 minutes, run with be being gotten 49 minutes integral a list of names posted up!

In armour is newest and integral a list of names posted up: Force of Wuhan eminent Er captures Zhejiang green city,

In armour is newest and integral a list of names posted upIn armour is newest and integral a list of names posted up: Force of Wuhan eminent Er captures Zhejiang green city,

The others score:

Beijing north accuses Shijiazhuang of Yan Jing 2-0 always prosperous

2-1 of course of study of Shenzhen beautiful million delays Bian Fude

Zhejiang firm vacate 5-3 Huhhot

Accept of ounce of Xinjiang of 4-1 of Qingdao Yellow Sea is joyous

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