Plunge into a heart! Mother of death of excessive of drug taking of 21 years old of daughters is tea

Integrated outside intermediary report, program of a news of American female advocate sowed daughter dies because of drug taking excessive, she is containing tear to sow the news of sb's death that signed up for a daughter in the program, vigilant common people treasures life to be far from drugs.

Plunge into a heart!

Angela Kenneike is program of news of American first gear advocate sow, · case Luo Sai stays in she and daughter Emily of 21 years old in American Na Dake his city. This year May, emily misfortune dies, but after dying till the daughter, people just knows Angela and home the truth that she dies: The cause of death of original Emily is drug taking excessive.

On September 5, angela decides to share the daughter's story in the program.

Plunge into a heart!

In the program, angela eye contains hot tear to sow the news of sb's death that signed up for a daughter, broadcast in this program that day, angela published an article on the website, told about a daughter the more detail of miserable experience.

Angela says, just fear Emily is in before she and husband abusive medicaments, but after dying till the daughter, she just knew the real rate of daughter drug addiction. She says: "This is too mysterious to me, my daughter can use syringe needle and herion. My beautiful daughter ought live good life, was on this road however. This lets me very astonish. This lets me very astonish..

Installing auspicious to pull those who weigh a daughter to die is her to " annihilative blow " . She says: "Lose a child, especially abrupt and astonishing means, the world that lets me is snafu. The statistic that the family that I never had considered to want to let me becomes you to be heard in evening news counts the one part that occupy. Hope without the person such. Hope without the person such..

Plunge into a heart!

Angela does not think his behavior is brave, she feels she just did the business that should do, the tragedy that she hopes to happen in him home can be become " the activator of the change " , deepen the understanding that endangers to drugs with vigilant common people, make people treasure life to be far from drugs.

According to the report, people still plans Angela and home roll out the name is " the hope of Emily " fund, the cure of the person that this fund will become addiction for medicaments offers remedial fare.

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