Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal

Dew from tonight white, lunar hereat countryside bright. It is one days circle when, bright month high above in the sky, look look into the distance! Small pool mind emerges suddenly on one nostalgic, graduation hind became north to bleach gens, leave home old, do not know what model Huang Bei develops now? Once loved the pool of lily magnolia day that go most, more and more suffer chase after held in both hands? Maple Xie Yougong! True yearning once the family swims together pool of lily magnolia day, moon cake eats in kiosk, talk about homely moment!

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

At this moment Xiaochi's mobile phone comes message, send small A Tianfa to come: Xiaochi, the Mid-autumn Festival smokes a time to answer Huang Bei Uncle ~ aunt thinks you quite, you did not follow their Lao crack with teeth in mouth for ages, take them to go together Chi Waner of lily magnolia day?

Be, did not come home for ages, be this and talk about the past of pa Mom appraise! It is to should accompany them to make a sightseeing tour together! Unhesitating, look for a boss to ask for leave, grab a train ticket! Answer Huang Bei!

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Bake in a pan is in the beautiful scenery on the heart

Miss the brook fall of day pool gorge, every time the pains that oneself feel scramble, feel physical strength is not raised, that lively and cheerful voice always can the force with boundless infuse!

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Miss the big day pool of heavy a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center of the Jing Ying on the summit, begin din and be agitated when the heart, go big days the pool blows hair drier, see the lake face of grand insignificant, total meeting becomes quiet and put empty!

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Autumn wind is met each years as agreed upon and to, blow red cereal of whole maple leaf. Below the sky of azure blue, it is the enthusiastic beauty that layer forest all catchs. As if the encountering of seawater and blaze.

Excellent colour is tie-in

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Still remember, what once justed on tall gorge slippery grass and fall is carefree! Too long the cool breeze that did not embrace day pool;

Still remember, when the strop on first time dabble, hesitated very long just encouraged!

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Hear, day pool added red project of a net newly to call a spring again. A lot of foreigner went, and regard Huang Bei as native, it is moment goes back experience one time.

Parents often is going gradually, a lot of times go on a journey always is met dog-tired, did not get relaxation instead. The view Jing Suo of new first half of the year start business, 8 minutes reach the peak, let me be this trouble no longer.

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

The bright and clear moon in the heart

Bright moon of an alien land lacked a honest warmth. Long house a place far away form home, lead a wandering life errant, oneself are just as the seed of a dandelion, gentle breeze whiff waves medicinal powder in skyline. Think pool of lily magnolia day to go vacationing only hotel or forest in frame house, still want to camp together with them, visit the month of day pool, the month of home town.

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Not " become 3 people to the shadow " , not " a thousand li in all lovely wowan " , be about to return once that reunites with family, that joyous sound laughs language is uninterrupted mid-autumn night! Eating cate together, continue far apart ground is chatting.

Wuhan sets out 1.5 hours! Go on a journey is not crowded mid-autumn, encounter is drunk fall cereal of leaf of United States maple!

Between landscape view star enjoys the glorious full moon, eat reunion meal, cherish this god-given time together!

The appearance of pool of day of the magnolia in memory did not change from beginning to end, no matter we are met whereaboutldirection where, no matter we can become what kind of, look round, that familiar place always is in place, not far not close.

Happy mid-autumn!

(partial picture originates network, invade cutout)

Seek advice / book a hot line: 027-61518923 027-61518926

Address: Area of scene of pool of day of magnolia of Wuhan city yellow Bei

Draw a line oneself: Yellow high speed of the another name for Taishan Mountain on Zhu Xieshan arrives Huang Bei, the edge realizes direction to grow Xuan Ling to loosen to 10 too greatly left-hand rotation.

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