Finance is encircled " indelicate meal bureau " video by the backside of exposure be...

Recently, financial group the thing on booth

Of analyst of trade of a paragraph of certificate " indelicate meal bureau " video

Travel wildly on the net and cause a large number of attention

Does video content have many after all " hot eye " ? Click understanding ↓

Who is?

Black clothes woman: Liao Lei of analyst of industry of Internet of communication of Founder negotiable securities

Finance is encircled " indelicate meal bureau " video by the backside of exposure be...

Yellow garment man: Internet of assistant director of institute of Founder negotiable securities, communication is presiding analyst Ma Jun (the boss that also is Liao Lei)

Blue garment man: Yuan Baoying invests abundant of chief inspector Liu yuan, now from illicit collect industry

Finance is encircled " indelicate meal bureau " video by the backside of exposure be...

This paragraph of video gets attention fully, besides the large scale behavior of a few party, because,return among them drag in arrives interest dispute. This meal bureau happened on September 17, and September 18 is " new money is optimal analyst " choose voting selection time. This is chosen is " new money " one of core ranks of the magazine, this year have been the 16th. In enter analyst of new money gold after a list of names posted up is odd, the analyst of before 3 armour of every industry can jump yearly salary easily the dragon door of 1 million. Is allure too big is there Mu Mu? In former years, to show itself from which, analysts it may be said is to each shows special prowess, or spend money like water or sacrifice oneself color is lured, all sorts of covering the road does not have place need not its extremely.

Although, after the event has party response to say, this is not bureau of the meal that play a bank note, but as incident ferment ceaselessly, a few " leading role " be handled in succession:

Small gain of government of new money magazine announces to cancel Ma Jun to wait participate the 16th new money is optimal the analyst chooses a qualification, additional, still mention among them " the voting qualification that cancels relevant voter to join as optimal as new money analyst to choose " , but this " relevant personnel " who be after all, field of new money magazine did not point out ↓ clearly

Finance is encircled " indelicate meal bureau " video by the backside of exposure be...

Founder negotiable securities undertakes suspend sb from his duties to Ma Jun, Liao Lei and start special investigation ↓

Finance is encircled " indelicate meal bureau " video by the backside of exposure be...

It is early at the beginning of September, association of trade of Chinese negotiable securities allotted to numerous certificate business " the announcement that concerns selection activity management about strengthening verify certificate analyst to attend " , attend with respect to the analyst choose raised 8 requirements, include to must not undertake the interest is carried among them, must not play a bank note, must not " bask in an ox " etc. These people ignore the demand of association of negotiable securities trade, bureau of barefaced group meal, still make frivolous action on meal bureau, if not be video by exposure, affected the fair justice that the industry chooses likely.

Undeniable, choose the platform that provided self-fulfilment for analysts this, but how to avoid to will choose those who become analysts to vie with each large certificate business " field of fame and gain " , it is to be placed in us the main problem before, depend on lawfully compasses participate, certificate business is strengthened supervise, the income structure that adjusts an analyst is indispensable measure and method.

Besides a few leading role in video, the film person of video also is one of central issues that everybody view notes. A lot of people put to death to this population pen cut down, its are bitterly attack Lilliputian, tattletale. But we should see, no matter she stems from what motive,film and exposure this paragraph of video, this behavior really from go up objectively safeguarded selection fair justice, accordingly we do not answer to rebuke only to her.

Jump out financial group, we talk about meal bureau culture of China again. Meal bureau all along is holding significant position in socialization, person arteries and veins, circle, resource, trade... circle finally not bureau of serve a meal. But nowadays, meal bureau culture gradually sideslip, drink slant much, the topic slants " fat " , this kind of incident can cause wide attention, investigate its reason, this also is social appeal can have the show with a kind of more healthy communal formal socialization.

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