Xiaozhu arrowroot profitable note: The concoctive distribution of item of platform of building mater

Xiaozhu arrowroot profitable note: The concoctive distribution of item of platform of building materials businessman

Student: Arrowroot teacher is good, I have a project now, had an initial idea, but not perfect still, hope teacher can give directions below. I say me first this project.

Because building materials industry seeks fine now,accurate client still is quite difficult. I have an idea that is hypothesis, it is a lot of bosses and clerk are running building materials is relevant business when it is around move the village turns, it is around move going from place to place client turns. Means is searched to fall in this kind, efficiency is lower, because the bridal chamber of owner has not been decorated good, find very hard, even if found first time, took a telephone call, also not be willing to listen to you to say what thing in the phone more very much. So I feel to find the place that owner often stays in, communication address will be more valuable, if find this dwelling place, our transmission agency had persistent service channel.

Send DM to declare regularly e.g. us can essence of life affects these cause clients definitely.

My present train of thought is:

1, get bugle call of initiative cause client mobile phone through village property these data;

2, the gift that informs these owner gets rice, oil and other conformity comes preliminary activation these clients;

3, given gift spot cannot be taken away, can leave express address only by the clerk personally deliver goods comes to affirm place tarry location;

Such likelihoods can build a giant owner database. Interact these databases regularly next, interactive, phone communicates announcement of news of the mobile party that interactive means has monograph of small letter, periodic DM, line to fall, sales promotion, short message. Make an owner building materials purchase information platform, these data are only on our hand, undertake enrolling business profit in the light of other building materials businessmen.

Ge Chaoxiong: Whole train of thought does not have too big question seemingly, nevertheless here needs to notice a crucial place.

Student: Ask a teacher to give directions, I want to decide in building materials this fractionize domain continues to be done.

Ge Chaoxiong: Because of you from beginning to end around is how to get owner data, how to build the pipeline of unobstructed, and the value system that I did not see you are built for owner.

Student: Yes, this value system thinks now still is not too much. Basically send in kind namely kind thing, these things are OK and integrated, still having is information kind product.

Ge Chaoxiong: Get gift to just build the opportunity that communicate, whether whether let owner be willing to interact with you, the value size that gives owner is crucial, you want those who make owner clear to know, interact with you what is gotten intuitionistic value? You need according to here the actual condition of your place, dig the pain spot of owner, of specific aim make a solution come out.

Student: Hum, what should say this direction is feasible still is, detail is perfect. Preliminary those who want is I will raise client of this group of causes, appear with the form of tripartite, set out from the demand of owner, can organize course of a few outfit for example, geomantic perhaps learn a lecture.

Ge Chaoxiong: You can say, is owner purchasing building materials respect what to pain spot have?

Student: This respect still is to study little really. The likelihood has a few to purchase building materials tired, worry about quality, pair of a lot of a lot building materials not be very understand.

Ge Chaoxiong: The system that solves these pain spot is your product. Next you just attract owner now through bait, so what is your dagger product?

Student: This still is not quite clear really, do 1 yuan when have one lot e.g. the member buy special offer product?

Ge Chaoxiong: Carry these 3 products namely before in hind go creating value for the client, cannot ponder over a method only merely, still be finally with client value oriented. Instructor course is nonsked hold, this will be a little complex.

Student: Some chaos still are on detail, comb. Make agency form like this kind, how to have product position, brain or some are at present dizzy, just thought of so go doing businessman of a lot of building materials to be willing to draw out money.

Ge Chaoxiong: The key is you should bind a client, this ability is long.

Student: The thing inaccuracy after decorating also did not think surely.

Ge Chaoxiong: Not be the thing after decorating, it is the value issue of your agency platform, will comb one by one.

Student: Looks so that see proprietor well pain spot.

Ge Chaoxiong: Above all, what is your normal product?

Student: Should this product be give hair or building materials trader from the angle of owner? What think all the time before me is building materials business.

Ge Chaoxiong: Normal product digs the pain spot of owner with respect to need.

Student: Owner should lack safe sense, building materials supplier is very much now, the choice is difficult.

Ge Chaoxiong: Now is to should make a system let owner realize the value that interacts with you, your product is to be aimed at owner.

For instance: Establish owner to ensure fund, a chain purchases 30 businessmen, every cover a house to if be in this chain,be bought only, every businessman takes out 150 yuan safeguard fund, 30 are fund of 4500 yuan of safeguard. Owner can take the green card that ensures fund to this piece, occurrence quality does not amount to the product of a certain businessman the problem of mark, relevant businessman undertakes green card undertakes compensate pays changing mixing! 〔 is this ponder over direction, still need to establish a corresponding standard, for instance the standard of wall paper, standard of floor tile, waterproof standard)

Student: Make around owner namely a series of safeguard measure, let owner feel we this platform is different, have the special value of platform. This a series of nod the product that is me to be opposite?

Ge Chaoxiong: Price chaos newspaper, do not know how to choose problem of material, quality to wait, you can adopt the form that the interest binds, let owner be at ease intuitionisticly. That is to say, you should let owner feeling, I buy building materials how to to go you here. My psychology does not have a bottom, go you here me with respect to know how things stand and feel confident of handling them, your normal product considers make good, after been make when normal product, can design dagger product.

Student: Is here face choose and buy of some limitation consumer 30? If a platform has 30 only, can you affect earnings?

Ge Chaoxiong: Here is an analogy 30 only, you look for 300 to come up to also be no problem, final it is him owner chooses.

Buy building materials, now advocate those who hit is a discount. But the client's pain spot is not the price this one link, key or you can kidnap client. If your normal product has been made, so dagger product, I also can give you a proposal you are referenced.

Bind the businessman of a chain, sell oneself product with cost price, bale a formula, roll out every months on your platform 5, 10, the owner that all preparation decorate is OK the activity is participated in to grab this on your platform.

Student: I think again, so one do well resembles knowing to want how to begin again.

Ge Chaoxiong: You this very good begin, pass conformity, much stronger than you send a DM ad purely, be sure to keep in mind nevertheless a bit, you still are placed oneself position, you are all the safeguard of set and mode, do not want yourself to be done personally, however you establish a standard, be done through him businessman of intimidate lure by promise of gain according to your standard. You are only merely among supervise square, that is to say, you are the Immanuel of owner, your inter for the happiness of owner redress the scales.

Student: Good, thank teacher.

Xiaozhu arrowroot profitable note: The concoctive distribution of item of platform of building materials businessman

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