De Jun reaves a calligraphy and painting, put 10 years with rubbish, he 10 thousand buy, now value 5

De Jun reaves a calligraphy and painting, put 10 years with rubbish, he 10 thousand buy, now value 5 billion

Xu Beihong is our country's famous artist, his picture is great realistically, the dissection of exquisite object structure, skeletal essence holds definitely, his picture still is having rich thought intention.

Xu Beihong held art exhibition in Hong Kong in May 1937, he is below Xu Deshan of Hong Kong writer and madam introduction, knew a German madam at that time, and hear she is selling a painting. The decision after Xu Beihong listens goes looking around look around. This Germany madam is urgent at that time spend money, the calligraphy and painting of the 4 big case that so she should collect him husband sold.

De Jun reaves a calligraphy and painting, put 10 years with rubbish, he 10 thousand buy, now value 5 billion

Xu Beihong saw 4 box do not have satisfaction, but he discovers the corner still has one case. The inquiry is informed that box calligraphy and painting to had been in 10 years that, and unmanned make inquires. Xu Beihong is opened discovered a painting suddenly, he is exceedingly excited, still say this to be about. German wealthy person looks him bearing is so excited, a bit loath.

Then Xu Beihong says 7 pairs of pictures that add his with 10 thousand yuan will change. Acquiesce of this Germany wealthy talented person, allegedly this picture is in those days De Jun as form of a address for an official or rich man in a king grab in government office come. After Xu Beihong buys next this paintings, invite numerous master degree painter to come appraisal. Include Xu Beihong finally, magnify 1000 inside the person thinks this picture is Wu Daozi consistently " 87 immortals coil " .

This picture had had the history 1000, because above have 87 immortals, and be called " 87 immortals coil " . He still went up in picture upper cover " Bei grand life " seal.

De Jun reaves a calligraphy and painting, put 10 years with rubbish, he 10 thousand buy, now value 5 billion

Xu Beihong held art exhibition in Yunnan in May 1942, art exhibition prepared 100 thousand yuan in all, and was donated completely fight day. On May 10 when the Japanese army is abrupt air attack, of the Xu Beihong in the disorder " 87 immortals coil " lost. Xu Beihong is heartstricken at that time.

Family of Xu Bei grand had moved Chongqing after two years, a day his schoolgirl tells Xu Beihong " 87 immortals coil " appeared in Chengdu. And this individual needs ability of 200 thousand ocean to agree to move.

De Jun reaves a calligraphy and painting, put 10 years with rubbish, he 10 thousand buy, now value 5 billion

Wore prevent to sell the home to destroy the picture, xu Beihong abandoned calling the police. He wants himself collect draws 200 thousand times quite buy. Grand of Bei of Xu of that paragraph of time often is to stay up late to draw, sell a painting. Still sell the worthy thing in the home, the headgear that connects her wife cannot escape by the skin of one's teeth.

Good with respect to such Xu Bei grand not easy happen by chance became enough 200 thousand ocean bought this painting. Should know to buy a courtyard in Beijing at that time also just 10 thousand ocean.

Xu Beihong died of illness in September 1953, and his last wish finally is a home medium work abandons a state. This has Xu Beihong among them most those who love " 87 immortals coil " , xu Beihong enjoys this picture to can let later ages descendants, did not want money one minute with the country.

This draws the rare world jewellery that nowadays have been China, and be prohibit going abroad exhibit. And according to the price of 200 thousand ocean is calculated at that time, this picture value had exceeded 5 billion RMB now.


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