Beautiful oil ban only remnant 40 days, one neighbour of Chinese admits defeat ahead of schedule, ex

Make a statement according to Iranian oil ministry say, end on September 23, had affirmed Korea stops completely to import Iranian oil, in the meantime, korea also is become in the United States " oil ban " the most urgent situation during, the first breaks off the country that trades with Iranian oil.

Iranian oil ministry points out, before the United States issues oil prohibition, korea imports petrolic from Iran the amount is 180 thousand pails probably / day. In light of the data that gives out from international, korea oil imports a quantity to exceed 10% what Iranian oil always speaks a volume, this but " big client " .

Beautiful oil ban only remnant 40 days, one neighbour of Chinese admits defeat ahead of schedule, expert: Will cause chain reaction

Regrettablly is, stem from the dread to eldest brother, this " big client " all to American requirement country stops to import Iranian petrolic target, appear go up all the more heart, "Oil ban " just released, korea begins to reduce Iranian oil to import an amount.

From now the case looks, korea should be to find the petroliferous country that can replace Iran. This pair of Iran and in the Russia country that supports Iran, can not be a good sign, november 4 just is the date of expiration of American ban, return remnant 40 days, unexpectedly Chinese the eastern side this neighbour admits defeat ahead of schedule.

Beautiful oil ban only remnant 40 days, one neighbour of Chinese admits defeat ahead of schedule, expert: Will cause chain reaction

As we have learned, the White House is in after one-sided announced to exit Yi nucleus agreement in May, threaten restarts pair of Yi punish, undertook August the first pace acts, trade to dollar precious metal of Iran namely and automobile industry takes sanction.

At the same time the United States expresses, will be exported to Iranian oil on November 4 and banking undertakes punish, ask all states that with Iran oil trades hurry to trade absolutely, otherwise together punish, namely so called " oil ban " .

Beautiful oil ban only remnant 40 days, one neighbour of Chinese admits defeat ahead of schedule, expert: Will cause chain reaction

In American punish menace falls, a few countries begin pendulous, day Han imprints the European Union is careless like the top of a wall, have flat possibility at any time. The expert expresses, korea takes the lead in admitting defeat nowadays, chain reaction is caused probably in international society.

This posed new challenge with respect to two countries of the Russia in be opposite, how to boycott the descent of this hegemonism, it is two big countries in the world first job.

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