The Niyaer in assorted gram is inadvertent Wu Long, foluolunsa breaks even score

Beijing time on September 26 before dawn, meaning armour the 6th round, international Milan advocate field is right a Foluolunsa. 1-0 of rice of first half country is banner, the second half just began before long, foluolunsa breaks even score.

The Niyaer in assorted gram is inadvertent Wu Long, foluolunsa breaks even score

The 53rd minute, jiyesa periphery dash forward apply sniper's shot, the Niyaer in assorted gram carries crural rescue sb from a siege places Wu Long oneself carelessly! Country Sa of Luo Lun of rice 1-1 Buddha.

The Niyaer in assorted gram is inadvertent Wu Long, foluolunsa breaks even score
未经允许不得转载:News » The Niyaer in assorted gram is inadvertent Wu Long, foluolunsa breaks even score