The network borrows money to still do not go up, the other side should sue me, how should I appeal t


The network borrows money to still do not go up, the other side should sue me, how should I appeal to?

The network borrows money to still do not go up, the other side should sue me, how should I appeal to?

Analytic: 1, what contract concern is telling you and each other? 2, if the contract content of you and the other side does not have lawbreaking regulation, the proposal fulfils contract obligation actively by the agreement. 3, if the guest inside the contract breaks the law, and the other side sends menace, fear black wait for information, you can in time call the police or sue the other side to safeguard his rights and interests through legal approach. 4, contract content is lawbreaking of the regulation, if annual interest of payment for goods leads those who exceed 24% , can sue affirm invalid or cancel. Encounter problem of similar network issue, you should wait in time to friend of the parent, family member discuss to settle way, to relevant section report appeals, answer with reasonable and legal means, do not mix to the other side adopt extreme method to oneself. If you are the money that lend, it is leasehold relation, belong to civil case, can fulfil your obligation by the contract, if interest is exorbitant, can press annual interest 24% standards repay, or still do not let the other side sue.

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