Happy fountainhead

Happy fountainhead

Good life always can encounter the thing of a few happiness, like close water tower and have wind of small a pavilion or house on a terrace shed charm comely, like far Shan Hengdai and have the rambling sky with catkin cold emerald green smoke. Want heart medium shot only constant good, in having an eye oneself infinite meaning. Be like: Spend one part of a historical period, one grass one wood, they are holding to the order of nature of the four seasons, in circular move back and forth, in travel or work despite of wind and rain still vicissitude is orderly, become silent backbone does not rely on any outside force by force, complete by oneself. This peace and with grave volition, eventually does not lose the profound meaning of time.

Sit up in silently, in soft days, think of happiness, the flower inside the heart left, open a peace of a Qing Dynasty. Light popular interest, lukewarm embellish blossoms to be fond of; twittering to become splash-ink of; of labial Bian Xiaoyu to become a Duan Shan water into the Qing Dynasty between eyebrow into; of the smile in eye. Static make, one paper fleeting time, an element heart, forever fine be apt to, be beautiful!

Conceive leisurely mood of a simple and unadorned, in cool breeze of literal pleasant to the ear, watch bright month, talk ancient theory today, plant a flower, kind careless, kind the mood. Do the person of static control oneself of a collect, with each days it is long do not be thankful from what meet heart, will handle the person beside and issue, cherish cherish again. Can a very short time is filled with right, can long not verbal, simple photograph prescription form, the good affection of economize to avoid running short.

The person is like part not seek fame and wealth, heart much cent is happy, we should learn what assemble manages to allocate time, dote on appropriately oneself, conserve a good body, just be the crucial first class major issue in life. Ferial in, busy, increase sentiment of a few minutes of idle, raise a few minutes of refined taste, cense make tea, listen is happy admire the beauty of flowers, grind ink put pen to paper, face the post word that boil, all without exception is the essence of clear Su Jingmei, think the good common between this the world, fireworks poetic flavour, not also pass such.

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