Capture with DISC 4 psychology pain spot of the parent, let turn over times into single rate!

The educational product of the school is varied, the parent also is 1000 people 1000. Because of level of educational administrative levels, knowledge and habitual tendency different, the parent also has different psychological pain spot. To grooming the education of the school seeks advice from division and character, if can hold the psychological pain spot of different parent, use the sale strategy that has specific aim, regular meeting get twice the result with half the effort, the rate signing sheet that yields you turns over times easily!

Consume psychological research to discover, according to the person's consumption habit and manner undertake classified, the can more effective sale that finds correspondence is politic. Look from the level of habit and manner, one is behavior one is thinking, psychology generalizes his for disposition. To the classification of disposition, have a lot of tools, the near future and president friends are shared most is DISC, its behavior style according to person and person is different, the person's disposition cent became 4 kinds, d I S C. The basis does a business fast slow perhaps, attention person perhaps pays close attention to a thing, cent is 4 kinds of people. This tool is likewise applicable in advisory adviser and parent in interacting, through knowing behavior style of the client, educational advisory adviser can go more active and actively " cater to " underlying demand of the parent, build with the client thereby close together " collaboration concerns " , namely we are said normally " active sale " .

Face the parent of characteristic of different behavior be fond of, individual character, should be educational advisory division adopted why to plant communication skill and strategy? I am met today and president friends share the parent classification below DISC model, include feature of 4 kinds of consumption: Dominant consumption, actuation consumption, guide consumption, rational consumption, and 4 kinds of when answer mode taking a heart: Bull's eye, happy, craftsmanship, care.

Capture with DISC 4 psychology pain spot of the parent, let turn over times into single rate!

D parent: Dominant consumption

D the parent often is compared strong. They pay attention to efficiency, when consuming very ego, make a decision very frank. The price is not the factor that they consider above all, like namely, it is profitless to do not like to say more! In seek advice, do not like to be being pulled nose goes, compare pride normally, thrusting even, inadequate to preparation, the talk that does not have a key can lose patience very quickly, the possibility is strong interrupt you, also oppugn your major can ruthlessly to spend to the mistake.

The propagandist data that they give to consulting adviser is swept at most, feel to see these things just waste time. They hope to listen to you to say more, your expression needs logistic clarity, the key is outstanding, concise and clear. After D parent bought educational product, can repeat in same course is bought over there advisory adviser. Because change adviser, too wasteful time!

You should hit bull's eye continuously

You want without preamble, greet more nevertheless, cut a focal point directly, with one action hits bull's eye, what be aimed at D parent normally is effective seek advice once, do not have an opportunity the 2nd times. So, must grasp an opportunity, not beautiful time is on the description of course and persons qualified to teach, what D parent should know is this kind of education the product has what effect to the child, advisory adviser can tell him with the fact " how much does study result promote, physical ability aggrandizement how many, take an examination of class to enter rank a few class... " they often are opposite how change do not be interested too. Be in so when marketting educational product, do not say to pile the educational term that he does not know, what grows sensitive period ah, 2 language be used to gets and so on, the D that the scotoma of these knowledge can provoke pride probably.

Advisory adviser should accomplish a manner modest and, the problem that ground of concise and comprehensive responds to them. Do not want talk in a roundabout way, amphibolous, perhaps try to suggest to them, give them the option however, be in for instance class on, teacher assuming a tax, attend class the choice opportunity that the setting on the place can realize, let them the palm accuses to feel, enjoy the pleasure that makes a choice.

Capture with DISC 4 psychology pain spot of the parent, let turn over times into single rate!

I parent: Actuation consumption

I parent suffers the effect of others the most easily, their consumption rate is very rapid also. What differ with D parent is, they appear more enthusiastic and friendly. They compare extroversion normally, like angle style, dress dresses up compare halfback commonly. Consumptive moment gets a sentiment the impact is bigger, so although consumptive rate is rapid, go back on his word easily also. Get particularly easily of atmosphere of activity of advertisement, market, sale affect and generation impulse buy deed.

You should make your happy

To I model the parent, much angle builds happy and relaxed, interesting atmosphere, let them feel happy and cheerful, manage autograph sheet quickly. So advisory division wants active with enthusiasm position and parent communication, a few relaxed network vocabularies are joined in one's words, capture an opportunity to praise they, let them feel you are very friendly and interesting. Advisory place, choose the light downy, lamplight the conversational room of beautiful of good, atmosphere, rest for instance Ou Shu's comfortable sofa area, it is good advisory place. When teaching a product to parent introduction, had better use Ipad or the mobile phone shows what the child attends class to make mobile video with the school to wait, prevent overmuch character and number, this meeting lets them feel as dry as a chip limits, take a look minute minutes. Additional, those who need an attention is, change of I parent idea is faster, want to hold the consumptive mood of parent instantly, fast battle quick decision, the rate of success following sheet of this kind of parent is lower.

Capture with DISC 4 psychology pain spot of the parent, let turn over times into single rate!

S parent: Guide consumption

Take time of S parent disappear is more hesitant, make a decision hard. They are compared normally bashful, nature is gentle, very affable. But when safe feeling is being lacked to let them make a decision inside individual character, easy overcautious and indecisive, devoid decision. They pay no attention to educational product to whether have distinguishing feature, however reliable, they will be right program of teacher, division learning a canal, program, course, undertake iteration understanding, can be being returned finally is hesitate. They do not like a change, so once choose later, be being spent to the faithfulness of the school is taller, also be the group with add cost more powerful tendency.

You should convey a care

To the parent of S type, advisory rhythm as far as possible rein in dot, want to be behaved amicably, openness is worth to trust. When seeking advice, want to establish good relationship first, join a few gossip appropriately, for instance the child's be fond of, parentage, these metropolises let S parent find full care, produce good opinion to the school thereby. Next, material of your repass papery, publicize manual for instance, growing archives, with but the real case of adjoining village Li Tongxue, reveal the process that learns unripe growing change, school teacher and student serves system and appreciation service, for instance commonweal activity, free lecture is waited a moment, make what they see the school serves comprehensive. When they show concern and apprehension, not negative, express to understand however, active response parent, use for instance such sentence type " ... be at ease please, I assure... , sure... " very will effective. Guide step by step so, reinforce their confidence to the school ceaselessly, this faithfulness is spent extremely tall client you also can income bursa fell.

C parent: Reason is consumed

C the parent often compares reason. Their consumptive pattern is soberer, make a decision more discreet, can think with all possible means, very rigorous. Before seek advice, they gathered the information of a lot of congener orgnaizations, when seeking advice, quiz very meticulous, you can arise even, they become the illusion of market survey. Although look,they love a talk not quite, but in the process that listening, his cerebra runs in high speed actually, careful analysis, careful contrast, after system of circumstance of the curricular dominant position that knows the school adequately, persons qualified to teach, service, teaching material is waited a moment, decide again. Perfect spirit is gone after in their disposition, a bit on the thing that teachs in the child is explicit, a bit captious even.

You should have craftsmanship

To educational advisory division, if expression gets dedicated, major,often can win the parent's heart in the light of this kind of parent. To reason parent, although was the same as village neighbour home to buy your course, often push, you also do not think he can buy sheet easily. They are taught to the child " cost of trial and error " so high spending behavior, the meeting is extremely careful, analyse with all possible means. Push sheet with reason parent, want to provide data more, preparative 1-2 covers parallel program, give out in detail as far as possible the program of every phase plans the student, cannot act too hastily, do not try to push an activity to move through advertisement, ground they, this is the way that they gather information only just. And you treat the job to fulfil one's duty responsible manner, you understand to educational profundity, the major that grows to the child is unscrambled, with craftsmanship spirit, give them the impression of a professional acme, that also represents sheet not far also.

Capture with DISC 4 psychology pain spot of the parent, let turn over times into single rate!

Parent type did DISC general to be classified roughly. Actually, the person's behavior is very multivariate, the parent's circumstance is commonly in different environment, what can have kind of case of a few individual character is integrated, we should do agile processing. The factor that affects the parent to consume behavior has a lot of, but no matter which are planted the parent, want you only floriferous mood research. With excellent education and service, of have a definite object in view hold parent mentality, can gain a success certainly.

Knowledge Is Not Power! Action Is Power!

"Accomplish " should compare " know " 100 times more important.

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