Does different ground transportation break the law inform? Police: Bilk new measure, require vigilan

National Day grows false end before long, the car that cheater looks at furlough sunrise door advocate made a text. The reporter understood from public security bureau of city of Hefei of the Anhui province a few days ago, this kind to the car advocate group hair " different ground transportation breaks the law inform " the new-style bilk means of bilk short message is in popular, remind broad car advocate through normal channel understanding traffic violates a record.

Does different ground transportation break the law inform? Police: Bilk new measure, require vigilance!

Police introduction, this is planted of group of hair " different ground transportation breaks the law inform " bilk short message can add commonly a link, after the user is clicked, can jump automatically turn to the network to pay platform, the requirement handles traffic to break the law through network remittance, carry out bilk then.

To this, police reminds: Current, car produced traffic to violate act in different ground, public security hands in tubal branch to be able to inform a car with short message form advocate pertinent illegal information, inform a car in detail advocate the time that traffic violates, place, illegal behavior and the content such as conduction program. But the remit money that the branch that make a valve won't accept any forms absolutely turns Zhang, all irregularity inform a short message to also won't contain any network address links.

Current, inquire traffic violates a record, car advocate can serve administrative platform integratedly through safety of transportation of each district Internet or download mobile phone App " make a valve 12123 " undertake inquiring.

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