Hunan is defended inspect university of reportorial joy old person " prevent financial bilk " cour

Hunan is defended inspect university of reportorial joy old person " prevent financial bilk " courseHunan is defended inspect university of reportorial joy old person " prevent financial bilk " course

On October 17, hunan is defended inspected noon news column to report university of happy old person " prevent financial bilk " course.

Channel of red net old age on October 18 dispatch (Cao Muding of reporter Zhou Na's reporter) on October 17, weigh in relief section, hunan is defended inspect noon news column to be in " live to be to often learn old " university of happy old person reported in news special subject " prevent financial bilk " course.

The report says, often encounter the situation of bilk element in the light of a few old people, university of happy old person was opened " prevent financial bilk " course, compiled to prevent bilk guideline technically, extend freely in community and senile hand. University of happy old person still set expert hot line, safeguard legitimate rights and interests to provide support for old people.

Happy old National People's Congress learns vice-president Tang Yan forest is accepting Hunan to defend when inspecting a reporter to interview, express, broad and senile friend understands and master prevent bilk skill and protective oneself the mastery of a skill or technique of legitimate rights and interests is very main, this matters to their health, matter to their joy.

Hunan is defended inspect university of reportorial joy old person " prevent financial bilk " courseHunan is defended inspect university of reportorial joy old person " prevent financial bilk " courseHunan is defended inspect university of reportorial joy old person " prevent financial bilk " course

As we have learned, often be deceived in the light of old people, the case that legitimate rights and interests gets be ensuringed effectively hard, china is senile intermediary of the first paper " happy old person signs up for " besides column of relevant special subject is opened to undertake bilk reminds preventing on layout outside, still organize seasoned senior collect made up personnel to edit old age to prevent bilk guideline -- " often will have way " commonweal books, the main content that gives 100 experience to often prevent case of the authority that cheat dimension to regard this as the book choicely from inside nearly 1000 when collect real case. Books was published January this year hind, because content is authoritative, comprehensive, practical, got the welcome of senile friend.

Prevent bilk knowledge to be popularized better, make more senile friend control prevents bilk and dimension power technical ability, university of old person of the joy below banner of newspaper office of happy old person was opened technically still " prevent financial bilk " course, invite financial expert and legal expert to attend open class freely for senile friends, the story has on the media in newspaper chain of happy old person at the same time, conduct activity giving a book, to more old age the friend popularizes relevant knowledge.

In March 2018, "Finance prevents bilk 15 special performance of 3 · lecture " in university of happy old person campus of road of sweet camphor tree is held, invite financial expert to give lessons for student; April 2018, "Hazard of old people law and be on guard " thematic commonweal lecture learns campus of garden of family big situation to hold in happy old National People's Congress, by legal expert give a lecture; In June 2018, do combination to sponsor with Hunan Province the aged " be on guard to collect money illegally, be on guard bilk " series education lecture is in university of happy old person campus of road of sweet camphor tree is started, first lecture rises give a lecture of Cheng Wuping of attorney office director together by committee member of Hunan Province the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Hunan; In June 2018, "Care old people, 1 million books give a hunderd schools community " the activity is in university of happy old person campus of area of family big situation is held...

Accompanying these activities and propagandist promotion, let numerous and senile friend master not only prevent cheat knowledge, rose to judge ability to the identifying of legerdemain, still will 110 thousand " often will have way " commonweal books extended freely senile friends in the hand, showed university of happy old person to love well old, aid old commonweal feelings.

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