Police 50 thousand offer a reward: They are suspected of admitting public deposit guilt illegally, s

On November 26, substation of Yu in relief public security issues give public notice of offer a reward, draw the 5 people such as the Li Zhengxiao of public deposit blame illegally to be suspected of, start broad masses to offer valuable clew, can assist public security mechanism to arrest guilty suspect successfully, RMB of each award cash 10000 yuan.

Handle a case policeman:

High police officer: 18691214444

Police officer Zhang: 18292295554

Police 50 thousand offer a reward: They are suspected of admitting public deposit guilt illegally, see call the police instantly!

Police 50 thousand offer a reward: They are suspected of admitting public deposit guilt illegally, see call the police instantly!

Police 50 thousand offer a reward: They are suspected of admitting public deposit guilt illegally, see call the police instantly!

Police 50 thousand offer a reward: They are suspected of admitting public deposit guilt illegally, see call the police instantly!

Police 50 thousand offer a reward: They are suspected of admitting public deposit guilt illegally, see call the police instantly!

Police 50 thousand offer a reward: They are suspected of admitting public deposit guilt illegally, see call the police instantly!

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