Former city feeds Xu Wei of secretary of leading Party group of medical inspect bureau to suffer bri

On March 19 morning, court of a mountainous area people makes public open a court session to try medicines and chemical reagents of former city food to supervise Xu Wei of secretary of management board leading Party group to accept bribe proposal.

Public prosecution mechanism accuses, the Spring Festival came 2014 2018 the Spring Festival, the accused person makes Waley hold the position of Party committee of hospital of people of city of north of the Huaihe River with its the advantage of officially of vice secretary, dean, for Hefei some drug industry limited company, Anhui limited company of science and technology of some medical treatment is in some healthy estate limited company, Anhui carry on hospital of people of city of north of the Huaihe River is medical the concentration of bad news material deserves to send the respect such as autograph of add of business, contract seek profit, receive cash RMB illegally to add up to early or late 1.2 million yuan.

Public prosecution mechanism thinks, the accused person makes Wei as national staff member, the advantage that exploits officially is other seek interest, receive other bribery, ought to with taking bribes the blame investigates its criminal duty.

Xu Wei of the accused person admits his guilt on the court contrition, court of a mountainous area people will choose period undertakes publicity adjudging to this case.

(city discipline appoint inspect appoint)

Felt useful not to overlook a point " looking " !

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