Bulletin | Use functionary have an eye to the main chance county of entire administrative division l

Bulletin | Bulletin |

A few days ago, control commission of city of committee of examination of discipline of city of Guilin of the Communist Party of China, Guilin is mixed to housing of county of entire administrative division Jiang Wei of secretary of former leading Party group of bureau of urban and rural construction, director violates discipline badly to violated a problem to undertake discipline is examined with censorial investigation, take step taking place to its.

Via checking, jiang Wei violates spirit of 8 regulations central, violate compasses receive gift case gift; Disobey life discipline; Violate state law statute, use a post to advantage is other seek interest and receive other property, amount is huge, be suspected of bribery blame.

Jiang Wei as Party member cadre, deviate from the tenet of the party, will public authority reduces the tool of seek expedience, disobey the discipline of the party badly, form a post to break the law and be suspected of crime, belong to in the party 18 big hind the not convergent, typical case that does not accept a hand, property is serious, the influence is abominable. According to " byelaw of Chinese Communist disciplinary treatment " " People's Republic of China is censorial law " wait for concerned regulation, discipline of classics Guilin city appoint conference of members of standing committee, inspect appoint appoint Wu conference research, the decision gives Jiang Wei disciplinary action of government service of discharge party membership, discharge; Be suspected of its guilty issue and other people of place experience money moving send procuratorial work mechanism to examine sue.

Attention Guilin discipline appoint letter of understanding of official small letter is visited inform against

2 dimension pile up Guan Wei, scan or grow by
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