Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

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The woman is a kind of very magical biology, on one second still is in pout dirty look, finish one second, see a desert, be filled with joy, smile of stack of corners of the mouth, also become even that eyes tender it seems that.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

Pardonable someone says, like the person of the desert, disposition is not poor, because see the desert is absorbed in eating, which canal is gotten on got angry.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

"The woman has two stomaches, one is used have a meal, one is used eat a desert. " fear the meeting is fat at the same time, keep out the temptation of the desert hard however at the same time. And in one numerous desert, hemp potato shows itself, become cate of new Jin Wanggong.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

Hemp potato is the food of the metric system of a kind of glutinous, soft and have stickiness, those who be Japan is fastfood, actually hemp potato is in a kind Japan also is day type fruit, and cake of tradition of type of this kind of day also is mixed on the history our country has a lot of source, date from the prototype of its hemp potato, a kind of folk that resembles China possibly a bit is fastfood, it is Ci of polished glutinous rice.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

No matter be grow of hemp potato, polished glutinous rice or careless cake, it is the renown date of hemp potato, major person is strip hemp potato to the impression of hemp potato, and this piece what the article recommends to everybody also is strip of such type of a day explode oar hemp potato.

Handpick and high grade raw material

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

The mouthfeel of hemp potato depends on feed material and craft, and this money explodes what oar hemp potato uses is pink of high grade polished glutinous rice, through thoroughly tempered, let pink of polished glutinous rice adequately ferment cooling, make the appearance of hemp potato more soft glutinous does not play a tooth.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

Potato of a good hemp is drag ceaseless, interest of pliable but strong is very oh!

Yan Zhigao, not only good-looking and not bad eat

Pink of polished glutinous rice presents translucent position, faint can see inside stuffing. Hold yam removing hemp gently with finger, resemble a girl that soft waist, soft but interest having pliable but strong.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

Cortical and glittering and translucent get rid of appears polished glutinous rice, wen Zhi has light rice sweet, stuffing actually is inside by cortical the half liquid that manacle, it is full-bodied, move feeling.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

Tooth most what contact first is cortical, but inside stuffing drips like a Qing Dynasty shedding already the tip of the tongue, sweet and not be bored with, below dental mastication, close with skin of polished glutinous rice 2 for one, it is a distinctive desert.

Much taste, beautiful heart but attentively

This hemp potato is a beautiful heart polished glutinous rice simply, one mutual mango, wipe breed of ox of tea, Zhi person 3 kinds inside stuffing.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

Potato of hemp of the flavour that wipe tea is having the distinct delicate fragrance that wipes tea, wipe tea to accuse to be chosen surely; Potato of mango flavour hemp contains the distinctive scent of mango, a bit sweeter than wiping tea flavor;

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

Potato of hemp of flavour of breast of Zhi person ox is cortical present translucent look, faint look get inside of breast of Zhi person ox inside stuffing, famous light rice scent, taste have thick Zhi person taste, zhi person accuses to like certainly.

No matter which kind of, it is mind good, the flavour that give up does not drop.

Freeboard evaluation, delicious not expensive

Potato of on market a lot of hemp sees its body only and do not know its ingredient, the price is not low still, and this money explodes course of oar hemp potato is numerous take money people personal experience, gave out in succession reputably.

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you! Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you! Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you! Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

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Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

This Gao Yan is worth meet unexpectedly explode oar hemp potato, don't you still unplug careless?

Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!

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Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you! Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you! Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you! Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you! Day type explodes oar hemp potato! 3 kinds of taste always have a kind of taste bud that suits you!
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