This App is put in serious safe flaw, involve privacy to divulge, look at once have in the mobile ph

The mobile phone is more and more convenient now, not only it is simple communication tool, pay on the line, the use of intelligent hardware cannot leave it.

When involving the privacy such as individual information nevertheless, still want keep one's eyes peeled, cannot trust blindly all sorts of application processes on the mobile phone. The closest Korea " mobile phone Id " applied process is exposed to the sun to give the safe flaw with serious existence.

This App is put in serious safe flaw, involve privacy to divulge, look at once have in the mobile phone

Be in " mobile phone Id " in APP, want to take the picture of the certificate such as next Id, driver's license or student's identification card only, in the Zhang number that can keep him existence. Because land Zhang date to need a password, because this is compared,save certificate photograph in mobile phone album directly, have taller confidential sex.

This also leave out deposit the danger that is embezzled in mobile phone album directly.

But, it has a fatal flaw however:

When saving certificate photograph, do not need to pass " him test and verify " this one measure, also mean, the user is OK in the Zhang mark that do sth without authorization saves the certificate photograph of others in oneself. This one safe flaw became a few minor to buy smoke wine, discrepancy the prop of unsuited place.

This App is put in serious safe flaw, involve privacy to divulge, look at once have in the mobile phone

Give a businessman and did not check carefully, just see client hold Id considers as adult and easily discharged.

Development company says, this original idea is to be an user to offer convenient applied program by such " evil with " , be in completely their unexpected.

And still can see on the network a few adolescent communicate what how use this application program wantonly at present " experience " , this makes a lot of people anxiety-ridden, appeal development company solves safe flaw as soon as possible.

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