Avoid trap riddle is round, this " white paper " decorate necessary!

Avoid trap riddle is round, this " white paper " decorate necessary!

Media of be in harmony of daily of the Yangtse River on March 26 dispatch (arms of reporter inscriptions on bronze) on March 24, " China gets ready character white paper " release formally. Pass big data analysis, expose industry inside, " white paper " can help owner people unlock " get ready " the mystery is round, escape is very much decorate " trap " .

" white paper " by Hubei province daily of interior design guild, the Yangtse River signs up for trade group real estate to be released the academy jointly. Academy of real estate of group of trade of cable of daily of interior design guild, the Yangtse River, Hubei saves Hubei delegate of association of adornment of building of building adornment association, Wuhan and renown star group run a group high, it is jointly " white paper " begin.

" white paper " , side owner unlock " get ready " the mystery is round

The home installs market pass away the sham as the genuine, mud and sand are carried along-there is mingling of good and bad. A lot of owner did not decorate experience, if encounter not so the company that relies on chart, often fall to decorate trap variously.

In the province academy bend force supports real estate of interior design guild, group length a newspaper below, through 20000+ join a questionnaire survey, rely on get ready 4000 times 500+ stylist and 1000+ industries worker, every year the service endorses formidably below, renown star adornment induces and arrange big data, deepness is analysed and unscramble, sum up from this give this " China gets ready character white paper " .

Avoid trap riddle is round, this " white paper " decorate necessary!

" China gets ready character white paper " whole book cent is 10 paragraphic, include: About getting ready, strategy controlling a house, decorate Xiaobai introductory jewel, get ready flow is analytic, get ready construction quality, get ready household of select material standard, entire case is chosen match, get ready service, get ready check and accept, practical appendix, let get ready the service has a level, have consult, let consumer identify getting ready what kind ofly just is a standard to get ready from inside these standards, the what kind of home outfit that gets ready to just can realize a health, domestic home is installed.

For instance, to the installation of the conduit in the home, have technology of 2 kinds of construction: It is " the ground buries type " , 2 be " roof type " . " white paper " recommended the 3rd kind of way: Type of wall body parallel -- in the wall aspect that controls conduit embedded 1.4 meters from the ground. The profit that such doing is, when preventing to install other thing in metope, the hammer defeats conduit; Although slack also processing of can rapid discovery, low cost. This kind of means, had not gotten popularizing in Wuhan area at present.

" white paper " , delimit gets ready quality occupation standard

Avoid trap riddle is round, this " white paper " decorate necessary!

Hubei is indoor chief thinks related design guild, the value of this booklet depends on: Tell owner this gets ready what is the occupation standard of character.

Above all, let each outfit repair owner to understand more get ready, escape decorates medium a lot of trap; Next, delimit of industry of outfit giving the home gets ready " industry runway " , the owner that guidance is about to decorate, how according to this standard, go finding to get ready outstandingly company; Again, a batch of Wuhan that hope with the name astral adornment is a delegate are high grade decorate an enterprise, upgrade to better, more overall level ceaselessly, spread such standard to entire industry, make occupation standard, owner of outfit allowing the home more be at ease, more save worry.

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