Social benefit assessment is unqualified, in those days total wages does not grow

Social benefit assessment is unqualified, in those days total wages does not grow

Original title: Culture and travel department will be in 6 provinces city pilot and state-owned benefit of literary courtyard round society evaluates assessment " social benefit assessment is unqualified, in those days total wages does not grow "

Report from our correspondent (reporter Guo Jia) on March 28, the reporter is mixed from culture travel department learn on routine press conference first quarter, by central conduct propaganda ministry, culture is mixed of print and distribute of combination of ministry of social security of resource of travel department, Ministry of finance, manpower " method of try out of assessment of assessment of benefit of round society of state-owned and literary courtyard " , will be in Tianjin this year province of province of city, Jiangsu, Hunan Province, Jiangxi, Sichuan province, Yunnan saves 6 provinces city is pilot carry out, will carry out in the round inside countrywide limits 2020.

On January 22, 2019 of print and distribute " evaluation of benefit of round society of state-owned and literary courtyard examines try out way " , be in fulfilling, do, the country does " the directive opinion that puts social beneficial result in benefit of society of the first place, implementation and economic benefits photograph to unite about urging state-owned culture company " significant move, it is to strengthen arena art creative work to direct lead the system that leads with value arrangement, it is the urgent need that arouses artistic creation vitality, group of more state-owned and literary courtyard deepens reform backbone to hold " no matter how change, what to change, oriented cannot change, position cannot be lost " important reflect. " try out method " make and carry out, state-owned to guidance literary courtyard group begins social benefit to evaluate assessment work, clear evaluation examines content and way, normative evaluation examines technological process, promotion evaluation checks result application, have very main oriented effect and direct sense.

It is reported, " try out method " in all 5 chapters 28, and with " evaluation of benefit of round society of state-owned and literary courtyard checks a level " , comprehensive, regulation makes clear content, enclothed benefit of round society of state-owned and literary courtyard to evaluate the whole process of assessment.

It is principle of clear evaluation assessment, emphasize wanting to hold to right way, insist to classify high-quality goods of directive, aggrandizement oriented, operate easily carry out, social benefit evaluation assesses the group of state-owned and literary courtyard that main body of formulary assessment assessment publicizes the composition such as branch of social security of resource of culture and branch, travel department, finance department, manpower to be the same as class Party committee committee. 2 it is content of normative assessment assessment and means, put forward to be created around arena art, show, popularize the assessment quota system that has installing, various assessment committee makes an evaluation assess detailed rules accordingly. 3 it is flow of set assessment assessment, judge assessment job cent oneself for courtyard group, answer of examine and verify is judged, rate meeting appraise sth through discussion, integratedly, the result feedbacks 5 link, by group of courtyard of assessment committee basis social benefit is notched finally undertake rating. 4 it is application of result of clear evaluation assessment, build assessment to report a system as a result, assessment the result serves as group of state-owned and literary courtyard to apply for the special fund, fund important basis that aid financially.

In addition, " try out method " aggrandizement the policy safeguard that assessment of assessment of benefit of round society of state-owned and literary courtyard applies as a result, establish a series of corresponding ties and incentive mechanism: It is result of assessment of assessment of clear society benefit declare the special fund, fund important basis that aid financially as group of state-owned and literary courtyard. Assess preeminent courtyard group 3 years to should undertake notice of commendation continuously, give in the respect such as capital, project appropriate support. 2 it is to emphasize social benefit evaluating assessment to should regard group of state-owned and literary courtyard as chief job as a result the important basis of performance test and cadre choose appoint. Unqualified to assessment state-owned and literary courtyard is round, should cancel to share advanced unit, outstanding award in those days wait for selection qualification, main controller is judged for " asymmetry duty " . 3 it is to put forward legal entity chief firewood fulfil and the integrated performance that include social benefit to evaluate assessment inside assess group of state-owned and literary courtyard result link up with, worker total wages should consider social benefit and case of economic benefits assessment at the same time surely really, classics company fuel proposes a toast after be in charge of a branch to approve, be carried out. Social benefit assessment is unqualified, in those days total wages must not grow.

Civil / Beijing youth signs up for reporter Guo Jia

Photography / Beijing youth signs up for reporter Wang Xiaoxi

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