Women's volleyball national champion basks in honeymoon to illuminate before! Ceng Yin faction leav

? Chinese women's volleyball has begun the assemble for training of the 2nd phase of this sports season, compare at other country, chinese women's volleyball the assemble for training of this sports season is quite early, the reason depends on Chinese women's volleyball the task of this sports season is more onerous. Between the league matches this year, effectiveness the Tianjin at Shanghai women's volleyball 2 the Mi Yang that spread a hand did not play the game, accordingly, cause numerous heat to discuss, think Mi Yang should get Tianjin the limitation there, also consider as get the worry of injury, but, anyhow, this sports season has gone now, among advanced period of time, the bishop that regards Shanghai as male platoon drills Shenyang fines jade, also be the amour that publishs small gain to congratulate Mi Yang and Fang Ying to exceed. Now day, regarding master rice as Yang Ye is newer small gain, the theme is the honeymoon about two people swims.

Women's volleyball national champion basks in honeymoon to illuminate before! Ceng Yin faction leaves parent group, upgrade sea knows true life the emperor before

Pass a picture to be able to see, two people are the conjugal love that comparative, fang Ying exceeds is to holding Mi Yang in the arms single-handed more, passing a scenery to be able to see is to be in the river, mi Yang serves as 2 spread a hand, it is to suffer fully on actual strength those who approbate, also once had taken the champion of league matches between Tianjin women's volleyball. Nevertheless, mi Yang also is to comparative individualizing player, be in Tianjin in those days women's volleyball when, bishop of Tianjin women's volleyball drills Wang Baoquan is defeated by a ball to scold Mi Yang after contest, but the fault that Mi Yang thinks is not him, the reason depends on be being passed, this spearhead initiated a debate, for a short while, mi Yang also was to leave Tianjin women's volleyball.

Women's volleyball national champion basks in honeymoon to illuminate before! Ceng Yin faction leaves parent group, upgrade sea knows true life the emperor before

Be in subsequently effectiveness of Fujian women's volleyball at after the cycle of a the national games, mi Yang chooses not to go back Tianjin women's volleyball, look to come out Mi Yang's individual character also is dye-in-the-wood, choice leaving the home joins in Shanghai women's volleyball, of coincidence is, in Shanghai women's volleyball, mi Yang encountered Fang Ying of his true life the emperor to exceed, two people have a kind to meet the feeling that hates evening, there is too much collective topic between two people, and after Fang Ying exceeds the Shanghai male platoon last year to gain the championship, with respect to immediately Xiang Miyang proposes, now year, two people had given the marriage certificate a few days afore got. Current, two people are to have honeymoon more.

Women's volleyball national champion basks in honeymoon to illuminate before! Ceng Yin faction leaves parent group, upgrade sea knows true life the emperor before

We also congratulation the beautiful of altar of platoon of this pair of China beautiful, one is Chinese women's volleyball before national champion, one is Shanghai male platoon before brunt, two people are together undoubted exceedingly appropriate, although before this two people had experienced a paragraph marriage, but, did not hamper the feeling between them, mi Yang is to taking the daughter that Fang Ying exceeds to go shopping more, accordingly, we also congratulate this pair of beautiful beautiful future is more happy and sweet.

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