Experience record amount passes 100 million! Shao in relief police destroys gang of gamble of 17 peo

On March 26, public security bureau of new peaceful county is being swept black in acting except assault fortified positions of evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting, with clew the platoon is checked for breach, half an year of last a period of time, demolish successfully the major network of the many provinces city such as Guangdong of an over or across, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Hunan gambles gang, seize Chen Mou forest, Wan Mou virtuous, the 17 crime suspect such as Li Mou Ling, a batch of car, mobile phone, computer, bank blocks distrain property of case waiting for experience, on experience record total amount 100 million yuan.

Experience record amount passes 100 million! Shao in relief police destroys gang of gamble of 17 people network

In September 2018 portion, public security bureau of new peaceful county punishment detect group discovers an important clue in the job -- churchyard of new peaceful county has guilty suspect to undertake network gamble activity, gamble the number is numerous, experience record amount is huge, affect order of security of society badly.

Experience record amount passes 100 million! Shao in relief police destroys gang of gamble of 17 people network

"These people do not need to prepare to bet desk, gambling paraphernalia, need an online computer only, in the whole nation each district all can be operated, liquidity is extremely strong, once have a sign of disturbance or trouble, disappear from the scene instantly. Gamble personnel basically is the electron turns Zhang, without the spot, without cash, detect does, capture difficulty quite big. Detect does, capture difficulty quite big..

Handle a case the policeman had details of a case special subject is reported to prefectural bureau leader, new peaceful county organizes each quickly alarm kind the branch undertakes study, establish case group, begin deepness to investigate to case clew, constituent picked troops is strong case assault fortified positions, gather fixed evidence, carry out accurate blow.

Dig clew greatly to decode bet a net

In public security bureau of Shao Yang city of relevant section support energetically below, mainland of new peace of base oneself upon of policeman of group of case of public security bureau of new peaceful county begins the work, hurry off to Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guizhou and Hunan at the same time the much ground such as Heng Yang, Shao Yang undertakes investigating, with Chen Mou forest (male, new peaceful county person of countryside of 10 thousand ponds) , Wan Mou virtuous (male, inscriptions of new peaceful county presses down a person) , Li Mou Ling (female, inscriptions of new peaceful county presses down a person) the network gamble gang that waits for a person to head rises to surface.

Experience record amount passes 100 million! Shao in relief police destroys gang of gamble of 17 people network

Investigate through careful, case group discovers from May 2017 since the portion, part of new peaceful county violated personnel confusing to go up network bullfight gamble, chen Mou forest, Wan Mou virtuous, the illegal element such as Li Mou Ling saw from which " business chance " . They are passed severally establish small letter group call together gamble personnel, in some network bullfight gamble platform flies room gambling in group, every bureau is defeated win 2000 yuan to 5000 yuan to differ, every group can bet 300 bureaus left and right sides everyday. Every gamble group all invite financial personnel to gambling of personnel be defeated win have statistic, draw-out win a water of 5% greatly child money, every gamble group everyday draw-out water child money is controlled 20000 yuan, on experience record total amount 100 million yuan.

Experience record amount passes 100 million! Shao in relief police destroys gang of gamble of 17 people network

Cross a province to hit out synchronism controls a network

After mastering a large number of exact evidence, case group policeman undertakes to be suspected of opening the guilty suspect of gambling house cloth accuses, and on March 26 23 when to this gang 30 minutes guilty suspect undertakes centralized controlling a network. According to unified deploy, case group policeman shifts to an earlier date a week arms parts a way, mix to Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangxi respectively and other places of Hunan Heng Yang, Shao Yang is right suspect of experience case crime undertakes cloth accuse.

Experience record amount passes 100 million! Shao in relief police destroys gang of gamble of 17 people network

On March 26 23 when 30 minutes, could there be Heng Yang, newly in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Hunan the policeman with 5 on call ground hits out in the round, with one action arrests suspect of network gamble crime 17, chen Mou forest, Wan Mou virtuous, Li Mou Ling head personnel all is captured.

Experience record amount passes 100 million! Shao in relief police destroys gang of gamble of 17 people network

Current, chen Mou forest, Wan Mou virtuous, because the 16 crime suspect such as Li Mou Ling is suspected of opening gambling house blame to already was coulded there be newly prefectural public security bureau lawfully criminal is detained, 1 person by lawfully await trial of be bailed out, the case is being investigated further in.

Origin: Shao Yang public security

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