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It seems that, a person gives anguish him, happier than giving a few easier. For example, hear people talk, hear finally, two kinds of words can remember only in ear: Be willing to listen most with what be willing to listen least of all. Next, the may not that likes to listen changes joy, but what do not like to listen is certain it is painful to was changed, other changed wind. Occasionally, wind blows the past already, a heart, still have nothing to do in however there is rain in the cloud of the difficulties. Of the person is so stubborn optionally, bigotry is gotten approximately absurd. You this can Yun Danfeng lives gently, however, however ground of for no reason at all sufferred an injury. Yes, some harm will look for you, and you look for some harm. A lot of person's powerful imagination is used on commit suicide. 8 bamboo pole make the issue that does not wear, slightly Gou Lian, can arrange go up in him body. A fleeing army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound still is done not have there, here already be besieged on all sides. such, in approximately screwy imagination, the commit suicide that finish, it is in commit suicide, expanding further the twist of ego imagination.
The person of ask for trouble was not willing on this world, but how many person is in everyday ask for trouble. That is to say, you still are done not have with this world real swords and spears-the real thing, in preexistence bottom of the heart, with him another tussle arrives cannot leave hand in. A lot of moment, it is oneself him do sth over and over again became tired, oneself pester oneself irritated, next, this oneself do not flounce off another each oneself. Hole, actually oneself are dug. In the mire of time, how many person, it is oneself are amusing oneself to play. If live to once did not make the mistake below make penalty to you, you should tell yourself, this is condonable. But do not want because of this be insatiable. Perhaps say, you cannot bully the life because of this, give facial shameless. The life does not think with this indulgent who, just want to make everybody clear, everybody has when making a mistake.
Some people when the life begins him penalty, just remember regret. Such confess, undeserved excuse. From err intended innocently, should of deliberate is not life, however human nature. For evil human plead, it is be steeped in evil and refuse to repent substantially. Also do not push all these to the destiny. Since all ending, begin already expect. All penalty, it is the matting of success will come when conditions are ripe. What do not let a destiny be you is greedy bury sheet. Be in desire the person of sea mile drift along, each is bravo. Be libidinal desperate is the ending that had been destined. This world, have fluky, but not condonable and fluky. Do not pull oneself to the condition that pays price step by step. All blame in the life and blame blame, punish with blame punish, conscience can have know, time can have know, heaven and earth can have know. Do not go bullying the life, the life waits for you from meeting antu ground. Blameless and clean soul, the feature has only: Associate with of feel no regret, not Wei will come.
On this world, two kinds of people are defeated hard: Too the person of keen on face-saving and too not the person of face. Too not the person of face is to not be afraid of be defeated, too the person of keen on face-saving is dare not be defeated. After peacockish person is belonged to a kind. As a result of too care about face, peacockish person can be hurt by peacockish place eventually, but no matter much deeper injury, vanity is best achieve can stick. Because, at them for, what be afraid that others cannot see him on one hand is good, what be afraid of others him detection again on the other hand is bad. Then, vanity showed off him well, also appropriate ground cover oneself.
Want to be able to be before the person only scene, the bottom of the heart suffers much deeper injury to also wish to be next to. Peacockish person, all one's life, mix for this bit of halo buckish, overdrawing the thing with too much and too much life. Do not have method however, compare at him please, they are willing more please world. Because, be in only of others colourful admire and in jealousy, they just can find themselves, ability can find joy. Go much further on peacockish road, can have much injury. Peacockish person not dare face about, because of one face about, can see 1000 sore the bottom of the heart of 100 aperture, and, subdue the bleak that suffer all kinds of. Vanity is peacockish person the fate of lifetime. They can go forth only, also must go forth. Peacockish person, it is this world goes the child that lose, cry to also cry not to come back. . End. Good book is recommended
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